Codec XVID Filesize 480.00 MiB Length 841
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Unhit Fintard

Boomboom-music and dingding-frags
Something went wrong @ 1.42 no? :DDDDDD too much key-hold?
@ 7.41 too :D kept tracking someone u didn't see? :D
sick botter

nice to see first time frags were only against clans
vittu tää oli hyvä :DDDDD
15h/päivä koneel istumista ei oo ihan hukkaan mennyt.
shit u killed me! i like ur config colors on gold *_* the ground all white :x
Loved to see him play on LAN :D
he attended turboapinat & masculine_mans lan V1

he was pretty good
I don't undersand why turbot kicked you.. you get like 3hs all the time
Like its all about aiming:D
Attitude, brains and behaviour is much more important.
He must of really had bad behaviour then ;p
well, slarto is like you said, all aim.
no brain. whining at vent etc. ask swani, he is pro and replaced him
Swani is the right person to comment on someone's gamesense :D Im satisfied on my own.. And I whine as much as everyone else pretty much.
rofl, i wonder what kind of pussys they are if they cant control slarto's whine...

in krp mix games its one word and slarto will SHUT THE FUCK UP :D
yeah or you'll come and crush him
oh please. look at his movements. aim only guys should have even good movements -_-
Yeah, i noticed that too. i tried to aim like that, but its almost impossible.
could be botting. When you crouch=/=good aim?
nah i prefer trying to take over the duel with my movements... only when its really long or REALLY close range I may crouch. but not like slarto does =D looks really ugly too
crouch: better aim
prone: best aim
yeah, but not when you are getting shot. You get recoil and you still need to follow the player.
Normal aimers/no botters follow the other player with their movement& aim, slarto is aim only. Really weird aiming, only saw a few botters who aim like that. hunta/nekz(ex fif/mmfarm EC)
only concentrate on the aim = epic aim
Its about frag highlights so of course it looks like that.. But I think I dont shoot so bad hs-percentage on average ;p
its a fragmovie. the highlight moments. :------D
lol at 1:09
sensitivity 1
m_pitch 0.0151
m_pitch 0.015001 is better
omg Zombies was like one of the best SNES games :O
Slarto ultimate progamer <3

10/10, tA!
Uber kills!
not enough headshots
Thats how a fragmovie should look like, no flying around in the map and stuff. gj
- amazing XVID XX century codec 6Mbps
- gr8est audio track 1.4Mbps
- awesome low ingame fps causing screenshake, gave unforgettable headache
- finally superduperediting, those frag counter stripes <3 and that "Sample text" in the middle
pure awesomness
who the fuck cares about that, frags were nice, thats why I watched it till end. Theres plenty of other movies with "awesome" edit but shit frags. Content is what matters after all :)
:DD::D those stripes were supposed to be sharper

And dont worry, I take next 11 months off from moviemakering
noooooooooo, moarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
:D:D Im still laughing @ this comment
Award: Best Backraper all the time!
always when getting hs you were crouching which means you are automatically always standing still in ground when you get the headshots. thats skill dude! awesome movie btw
You are so using sarcasm but I still dont get your point!
tells you dont have knowledge. anyway 'nice' movie little bit boring though
headshawtz, i like it!
nice comms @ 42 secs, masculine mans .... and great movie btw x)
I was wondering the same :D Thanks
Good aim, as ever.
Thats what movies usually do, but thanks for your input mind :)
Crouch fucking only and getting lagheadshots most of the time - I love fins. Decent aim though.
said the lagger himself¬¬
I got a stable 48 ping usually :P. Get some Pistolaim Nub :D.
I have "trained" my aim for shooting headheight since late 2007 so I beg to differ..

You get usually so called lagheadshots when you have unstable 100+ ping. You can watch the movie as many times as you want and you can see my movement & actions are smooth = Im not lagging.. (You can see it even the movie is only 30fps)
You're crouch only though and it seems like opponents can't hit you. If I'd play crouch only I'd get 3hs'd quite often. Fins just have terrible hitboxes, they're the most unhitable country in ET no doubt for me atleast. Oh and fins don't have the best pings around here :D. As I said your aim is nice, your country is shit though. Its not meant to be personal :O).
:D:D lowskill-talk
Lowskill talk whereas I'm better than you - now thats funny :D. Cu @ 3on3's Nubcake.
:D No we wont
Syyttääkö nää vitun typerät eurot siuta oikeesti tosissaan ei-läpällä aimbotista

Mitä vittua

Fucking awesome & sick movie btw. Superkawaii headshotting 24/7 & finally a soundtrack that fits an ET movie

Half of the soundtrack is stolen from RaZiel's movie 'Iratus 2'. :p
gigi d'agostinoooooooooooooooooo - youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
its Scott Brown's version
amazing amount of headies :P
headshot machine ..?
I got amazingly raped :D
fucking love this movie, i cant stop to watch part after sample text
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