Total amount: 1612
144 145 146 147 148
88inches before Extinction !

88inches before Extinction !

Statement from Andrew “ Acidz” Barinov to BB:

Hi community! I finally finished my new movie you have been waiting for so long time88inches is here! I started with this movie in june, but i wasnt motivated enough, so i dropped it for few months. Movie is about very known player vazy, so you can expect some nice frags from online / lan events :) Hope you will enjoy it. btw. this movie is meant to be for in the spotlight 2 but i was too lazy to change that in intro(:

Statement from Marc “ Vazy” Berthold to BB:

Setup's minimovie


2nd movie made by spaki.
crumbs - autumn 09

crumbs - autumn 09

A frag + mp3 movie by me, showcasing MEGA frags from the past 3 weeks vs the likes of KiH, choas, cave, no pressure, skk, liquids, pmcg and a hell of alot of [ind].

Don't expect much, but i thought i may as well release it anyway.

Produced by crumbs

Audio Stream 1:
- The Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up (Sub Focus Remix)
- OutKast B.O.B

Audio Stream 2:
- Coldplay - The Scientist
- The Killers - For Reasons Unknown

- image
- photoshop
- vegas
- DemoViewer (my rtcw mod)


nothing fancy :p just frags and ..
Sienihermannit adventures vol2

Sienihermannit adventures vol2

The next movie project by mighty Filu_

Starring Slarto, Snatch and many more!
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