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88inches before Extinction !

Statement from Andrew “Russia Acidz” Barinov to BB:

Hi community! I finally finished my new movie you have been waiting for so long time88inches is here! I started with this movie in june, but i wasnt motivated enough, so i dropped it for few months. Movie is about very known player vazy, so you can expect some nice frags from online / lan events :) Hope you will enjoy it. btw. this movie is meant to be for in the spotlight 2 but i was too lazy to change that in intro(:

Statement from Marc “France Vazy” Berthold to BB:

Just before the summer events, I decided It was time to release a new fragmovie, as I didn’t have one on cod4, contrary to cod2 and cod1. People often asked me if I would do one but I knew I couldn’t compete against great movie makers in the community. That’s the reason why I decided to ask one of the best movie maker I’ve seen on that game. Acid directly accepted my project and started to work on my movie. Today, I’m really proud of the result of his work and I really would like to thank him for he has done for me. This movie is for me a way to remember what I’ve done on that game and I hope everyone who will watch it will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed to make these frags.
One Word: Sick.
Two Words: Very Sick.
Three Words: Fucking Anoying Flashes.
Four Words: Not So Very Sick

nice but chaotic movie imo, my eyes are hurting now :/
wasent so good that i thought it would be after looking at the trailer,
didnt like the music at all
like xeoxis said annoying flashes
frags werent so special , alright the opponents are one of the best ever but some frags just didnt fit in, to much editing to much lights at the screen at the same time made the frags hard to see sometimes, sorry for being an ass i know you put much time on this movie but this is only my opinon.

if theres anything thats gonna be special its gonna be

waiting for it ;)
nah, not sick at all
acid honestly told few times that it transformed from AA+ class project into an average movie :/
gj anyway

raanara 4 coming 10 of january, that will be SICK :P
image: 37568
2 words: its and a 3rd: shit
Intro was too long, I liked the first half (<3 blue stahli), but got the strange feeling on the 2nd half that the music was too "flat" and couldn't follow the action.
Nice editing with real pro look, hope someday we'll see that on ET.

A dl link would be nice :)
intro was awesome mec peut pas comparé les vidéo cod4 à ET .
1) je n'ai jamais dit que l'intro était mauvaise, mais qu'elle était trop longue.
2) je n'ai pas comparé ET et Cod4, je parlais simplement de la finition générale de la vidéo.
3) En plus de ne pas savoir lire et comprendre, ils ont un orthographe douteux le antiwolfarea gang.
T'as tout dis.
Intro was awesome :>

Edit: "Diablo has gone a long way, very, very quickly, he goes looking for vazy, he finds Vazy, Diablo...." <3 Tosspot

Shame i remember the guy from that moment though xD
its the music that makes it more intense.
nice <3

Allez Pha Pha :D go COD4 ;)
coming in a few days eh
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