Total amount: 1612
280 281 282 283 284

GMC Meatbags

Short clip with frags from gmc public server.
Size: ~37mb(xvid) ~23mb(x264)
Duration: ~43s

Rate editing 10 cause of that shity lens flare effect.
x264 version in mirror 1.
Read this

tapsa capter two

A short fragmovie that doesn't include pointless 3 minutes long freecam flying around the map and showing that nothing happens -into nor -outro. During the last couple of weeks I got some nice (for me at least) frags and thought that maybe I would make a little movie starring myself. Since I didn't want to watch 666 demos searching videofrags and I wanted to finish it quite soon and I wanted to make a movie that someone would watch from the start till the end, I decided to make it short. 'Capter' instead of 'chapter' in the title is an infamous typo which became an inside joke. When I first time tried moviemaking after being impressed by mAx chapter 1 & 2 years ago, I made the worst fragmovie in the world ever and typoed the name to be 'tapsa capter 1' (it was never published, only my few friends saw it).

Random info:[/u]

Frags and video by: tapsa, march 2007

duration: 2min 30sec
file size: 67,8 mb
ratio: 27,12 mb/min
source: 1280 x 1024; 300,00 fps
final render: 1280 x 720; 30,00 fps
video codec: x264, bitrate: 3666
audio codec: FAAC, bitrate: 128
music used: Dimmu Borgir - Satan my Master
.rar inludes: tapsa capter 2.mp4 (movie file)
___________ tapsa catper 2.rtf (readme file)
___________ mplayerc.exe (Media player classic)
___________ ffdshow.exe (FFDShow decoder installer file)

Best to view with Mediaplayer Classic after installing FFDShow decoder (both included in the .rar)

Thanks to:[/u]

enSam & Ruipperi for their help & opinions


KRP once again presents their minimovie which has been removed a few times, for you to rate. You also host Schwedenfrags by alexL which shows a clear wh, ours does not have this so why delete it?

Sincerely yours, KRP

Maker: enSam
Size: 81 mb
codec: x264
Resolution: 800x512
Fraggers: enSam
cROSBY aka Big Dick Johnson

My Private War

My Private War starring xfrd

Creator: atemi
Starring: xfrd
Codec: x264
Resolution: 800x512
Size: 172 mb
Length: 7:07
Framerate: 30 Frames Per Second ( Recorded in ET with 300 fps )
Project time: 2 months
Songs used: Trust Company - Slave
Earshot - Wait
Thanks to altrnt for explaining me how to render/compress <33

I mainly made this movie due the fact that I wanted to learn some things about moviemaking.
Some self critizism:
- I recorded some frags to short, next movie I'll record the frags on the music not just randomly.
- The movie is a little bit too fast ( especially in the first song ), the second song is slower, but not slow enough imo :p
- Effects are not that special, but I'm sure that I know enough now too add effects better add the right time and at the right places.
- I don't like that all the frags are with hitsounds, makes it harder too sync better, but xfrd asked me to include hitsounds in all frags, so np. ( next movie will be without, or atleast with less hs sounds )
- In the 2nd frag from the first song you can see the nametags
But overall I think its not bad for a beginner ;) . Just watch it and give me some usefull critiziscm so I can work on it in my next movie.

The movie contains frags against clans like : Juust, Exit, S&G
but also against clans like : (old)dtekt, bestest and neegers
&the tosspot shoutcast isnot fake ;)

Oh and btw I can ensure you one thing, the frags are hs-only!

I hope you enjoy watching!

Cu, atemi.

CoDII - kOblicHJAG

Hi all cod 1 players and fans :) This movie is about one player named kOblicH from clan Vceli medvidci :) In this video is a lot of great frag , some effekts :) ! Music is type Punk-Rock and Pop :)


Creator: Vojtech "Sarens" Madr
Starring : Martin "kOblicH" Kuchar
Game: Call of Duty
Type: Frag Highlights
Length: 8m30s
Size: 437 Megs
Resolution: 1024x450
Codec: XviD


Nightwish : The Kinslayer
Guano - apes : Money and Milk
Hillary Duff : Fly
Sum 41 : Still Waiting
Veronicas : Everything I'm Not


Call of Duty 1
Virtual Dub
Focus mp3 Recorder
Sony Vegas 7d
280 281 282 283 284