Video available for download only

tapsa capter two

A short fragmovie that doesn't include pointless 3 minutes long freecam flying around the map and showing that nothing happens -into nor -outro. During the last couple of weeks I got some nice (for me at least) frags and thought that maybe I would make a little movie starring myself. Since I didn't want to watch 666 demos searching videofrags and I wanted to finish it quite soon and I wanted to make a movie that someone would watch from the start till the end, I decided to make it short. 'Capter' instead of 'chapter' in the title is an infamous typo which became an inside joke. When I first time tried moviemaking after being impressed by mAx chapter 1 & 2 years ago, I made the worst fragmovie in the world ever and typoed the name to be 'tapsa capter 1' (it was never published, only my few friends saw it).

Random info:[/u]

Frags and video by: Finland tapsa, march 2007

duration: 2min 30sec
file size: 67,8 mb
ratio: 27,12 mb/min
source: 1280 x 1024; 300,00 fps
final render: 1280 x 720; 30,00 fps
video codec: x264, bitrate: 3666
audio codec: FAAC, bitrate: 128
music used: Dimmu Borgir - Satan my Master
.rar inludes: tapsa capter 2.mp4 (movie file)
___________ tapsa catper 2.rtf (readme file)
___________ mplayerc.exe (Media player classic)
___________ ffdshow.exe (FFDShow decoder installer file)

Best to view with Mediaplayer Classic after installing FFDShow decoder (both included in the .rar)

Thanks to:[/u]

Finland enSam & Finland Ruipperi for their help & opinions
clan Finland Keskus Rikos Poliisi for being the toughest clan around
lold @ music
- quality
- music
- outro texts
- mp3 + video

-+ configs

+ random info
I'm sorry to say this (no personal offence to anyone), but my I think my ears are bleeding right now.
listen to this :D

and you can start donating your blood

+ song
+ quality
+ frags
+ dicklogo

- want to see capter 1 too

couldnt watch the movie lol. high temperatures!!
capter 1 doesn't exist anymoor :(
I thought that that masterpiece of video-art was lost forever but u saved my day <3 thx to Ruipperi and not formatting :D
was just today deleting all the shit movies from my pc. like most of the todays shit movies. but then i saw this classic masterpiece! I felt like its my happy day when i found this. i had my lifes best 10minutes when i was watching this movie which is already legend. and damn i love those transitions. >:)
plZ I couldn't use vegas back then and the transitions were fucked up and I was gonna correct them before rendering again but my trial period ended 1day before I had thought and I was an honest little boy who would have never thought about registering some software illegally those days ( well, I didn't even know that's possible ). But I'm still eagerly waiting! How long left the upload? :)
Satan My Master
I slit my wrists to drain me of my blood
Satan My Master
Up side down I turn the cross of God

Satan My Master
Recieve this sacrifice this blood of mine
Satan My Master
I cut into my rotten flesh your signs

Satan My Master
Remember me when judgement day is near
Satan My Master
Take my hand when Armageddon is here

Qualy pwnes!
The song is rly good.
Weird music tho. :-/
omg sexy crAdle !

sorry 4 stealing ur font btw :(
download broke
my free finnish ftp is down again :(
-frags were quite slow

+quality, editing was oki but the song didn't give good changes to sync n stuff :<
Im homo sexual
link ?
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