Total amount: 1612
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seareal ft.tikej - forfeithegame

Short movie featuring tikej the polish rifle in seareal's ..
ONE - Battlefield 3 Machinima

ONE - Battlefield 3 Machinima

QuoteRobert Stoneman presents his newest Machinima "ONE"

The trail of Russian dead litter the fields like barrows and temples to worship the fallen,
the body count rises as the remaining few rally for the last stand. Safely from afar A lone US sniper starts to pick off any enemy soldiers that stray
into his scope. With the Russians pinned & accepting all is lost, ONE player refuses to accept that this is the end... unbound by fear he unleashes retribution against the camped sniper, time is running out and the only thing between ONE and the sniper... is an entire army... tick..tock...

Filmed in Battlefield 3 [PC] - DICE/EA
MusTTanG - Rockets Flow

MusTTanG - Rockets Flow

After almost 2 years of break. I decided to create totaly "new" movie in high quality.
Well, what can I say guys? I hope you will like it. Enjoy

FPS: 60
Size: 502mb

1 - Celph Titled - Real Villains
2 - Army Of The Pharaohs - Dump The Clip
Deliberate Murder (102)

Deliberate Murder (102)

In the beginning of 2012 Russian Quake Live team with a main task not just put a clantag before the nick, but really fight on upcoming Europian LAN's, was created. And here is the first fragmovie dedicated to the deliberate murder (102) clan. This movie was created by Aidaho, and those people (quite famous ones, I believe) are starring: 421, ash, CTAPOCTA, Lexaaa and pavel.

Primary Mirror - YouTube Link
Mirror 2 - Maverick Servers 30fps Link (240MB)
Mirror 3 - Team 102 30fps Link (240MB)
Mirror 4 - Maverick Servers 60fps Link (455MB)

Vivid Noise by Nonix

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