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Testi Movie

After gathering demos for the last 12 years to make a serious movie, but never really be arsed to publish one, I made a lot of shit in the meantime. I had some demos left and decided to record them using Geforce Experience at 60fps. It is basically frags + mp3. So another shitmovie, with overused music and 3 man kills.

Don't watch them if you enjoy intelligent plays or gibbing. This is just rambo aiming to the max. I'll release it for the sake of it.

Total time making was about 4 hours. 1.5 hour recording, 2.5 hours of editing. All hate can be established under this line:

3v3 World Championship '15『wings』

Fragmovie with some highlights from the 3v3 World Championship 2015

Frags by NuggaN, jonas & alexL.

Nothing too crazy, thanks for watching. ✌️


Reminiscence - a Return to Castle Wolfenstein movie

Made by

Starring (in order of appearance)

I still had a decent amount of footage lying around from people that had previously sent it to me with the purpose of turning it into a movie. Due to personal reasons I've not had the time to do this. However the thought of making this movie never slipped my mind. It's way overdue but it's finally here. RtCW has been a big part of my life, so I wished to give it one last farewell.
It's been a pleasure RtCW.

Celldweller - End Of An Empire (Thrasher Remix)

thanks for the memories

ET was an amazing experience. so many good people.

mztik uncompleted movie part 2 by fredd

another clip I found on my old hdd,
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