Here it is. What you've been waiting for. The Eurocup Finals. The 12th incarnation has had much to live up to from last season, but sure enough events have impressed even the most cynical of followers.

image: toprightThe cream of ET have been whittled down until now only two teams remain, and arguably the two most deserving at that. The Finnish outfit of Finland Parodia have stormed through all of their games, remaining unbeaten in the playoff stage, and taking to the finals with them the double-elimination bonus, meaning they will have to be beaten twice to walk away with only second place. Standing in Parodia's path are the mighty Estonians Estonia Idle, who have bounced back many a time in post-quakecon ET, and only need to win 4 maps to collect the coffers on offer. With so much at stake at this final hurdle, we've put together this guide so you may all get as much out of the finals as possible.

There's no going back, the Eurocup finals are waiting, and on Tuesday, only 12 players can decide the outcome to one of ET's most prestigous tournaments.

Many comparisons can be drawn from these finals to the finals in Eurocup XI.
Quote[/i][*] Finland Parodia needing to be beaten twice by idle's namesake Estonia u96d.[/i]
[/b]Here again Idle will have to beat Parodia twice in order to take gold, after they were knocked out of the winners bracket first round by none other than Parodia themselves. The Fin's lineup has hardly changed as they prepare to play their final game(s) under the uQ tag, but Idle have seen multiple roster changes since merging with u96d / check6, and have only recently begun to play something close to their full potential. Last season of course Parodia did the same thing, knocking u96d into the losers bracket in a 3 map thriller, in which only one round of battery could seperate the two. And this in a match which had been predicted as Parodia having a 70% chance to win, as opposed to to u96d's 30%.
Quote[/i][*] The high quality of games coverage on offer[/i]
ETTV in particular has again been impressive in its availability, quality and quantity. Serveradmins have worked hard to ensure comprehensive coverage, so that those of us not fortunate enough to be playing have complete control over what we want to see. Slots for the finals in June numbered into the realms of 2000, and those figures look set to be re-produced as one of the most exciting Eurocup finals ever looks set to take place.
We now have extra manpower in the form of, providing up-to-date match information, in conjunction with some excellent shoutcasting from not just old favourites, but new kids on the block, keen to keep this community at the top of its game.
Quote[/i][*] Controversy for all the right reasons[/i]
There have been plenty of suprises in these Eurocups, with unexpected results aplenty. Remember last season and Germany helix vs Estonia u96d (details), a game where the Estonians were supposed to be runaway victors? Helix never read the script, and emerged on top despite all the signs pointing otherwise. This season too we've had some upsets of noteworthy merit, for example United Kingdom one4one's suprise victory over Finland Parodia, proving to not just themselves that the Fins were actually mortal, after all.

Neither team are taking the challenge lightly either. I caught up with loveable idle captain Estonia Night and Finland uQ players Raveneye & Saintt to see how preparation was going in each camp:

Quote[/i]Estonia Night: We're getting prepared for the match by praccing almost every night couple of pracs. We wanna make the final as interesting as it was last season and we'll see on Tuesday if we're good enough to beat them this time. To be honest, they deserve the win a little more, they've played very nice games on playoff stage and sent every team on their way to loserbracket. I personally think that it's gonna be a tight match, so let the better team win. See you on Tuesday!
Quote[/i]Finland Saintt: We have been practising a little and of course our goal is to win.
Finland Raveneye: We have prepared by playing practicematches, I don't really know how else you can prepare for official matches. Final is going to be very tight, but of course I want my team to win so I'll say that we are going to take it. :P

Also included in this coverage comes clan profiles, your predictions, interviews, and all the essential information you'll need to get the very best out of Eurocup action, as it unfolds!

image: cb