United Kingdom foonr and Germany swine scoured the depths of IRC, often risking severe burns and likihood of death near certain channels to bring you what you think will happen this tuesday. We asked people purely on a random basis, and if you're not down here you're either too fat / lazy / ugly / unlucky (delete as applicable). The results might suprise you...

Clown: uQ, simply because uQ has an older line up, more experience as a team and I think their tactics are pretty "new" and inovative.

Nellie: uQ-Gaming - it's their time. 4-2

Biqq: uQ will take this one 4:2.

BuLL: uQ, they're just the better team here.

TosspoT: uQ, have wanted it more throughout the season, I just feel that idle's renaseance has come too late.

decem: well i think uQ will take

Melkor: Gonna be a really close match, since idle has improved a lot since the beginning of the EC and rumors say that uQ is praccing activly again like they did in the beginning of the last EC, what means alot :d

Winghaven: uQ. we played vs both teams ( not just the official ) and I think that uQ is the strongest team

Mulsu: Both teams are great but i think that uQ is better atm

evil: 2:4 for idle, qm8s powha (insider) :o

mike: idle.ee 4-2 , cause qm8s style will over power them.

Angrykid: Based on the fact idle played them before and lost while also taking into account uQ's decision to get up and go; I'd say a 4-2 win for uQ.

Yancho: i wish that idle win so this season won't be a total-uq season. haveing ideas of best of the best cup it will be better for us (the organizers) if idle wins so we have a contestant to uq

celtiC: idle knows how to pull their shit together in tight situations and I think they get a sligthly more advanced teamplay

XyLoS: uQ, because they've the best et players atm

Lightning: Uq-Gaming. UQ has been playing together for a long time and they just have the right mix of players to win this. They were close last EC and now they will win it.

Ravenous: although they lost to 141 in the group stage they have shown very impressive play which should be enough for the win. idle on the other hand is play better every time and with an addition of ferus they'll be a tough opponent. 4 - 2 uQ

LION: uQ-Gaming will win; They're looking good and it's their time to claim the EC title.

envy: idle, it's just a feeling i get + they have urtier and senji

aCe: idle, just that there better imo

arni: uQ, definitely. After seeing uQ perform in their last matches against idle or gods it is no question that uQ will win this years eurocup

JaKaZc: idle ofc :) i think idle is stronger atm with little luck they can take it :)

swas: uQ, they have a Q in their name

asd: idle, as idle is getting better game after game and the history will repeat itself

Lun4t1C: they both lose

NightRaver: idle, i hope idle wins first one, so i can spec second match :) but i think idle will win

toed: idle, because i think they are more motivated. uQ already said they are gonna stop so i dont think they will have the motivation to still practise a lot

nForce: uQ imo, they have been playing longest together and when they are playing good they are unstoppable, plus idle are a newer team and are coming from lower bracket. It depends on the day i suppose, if uQ are making little mistakes idle might take it, otherwise uQ will win

Wesbo: uQ, because they havent had any line up changes and have been on top for two seasons now. I think they deserve the win

Kee_RinG: heh nah im afraid not I wouldnt want to guess till after seeing how the first round plays out

Splodge: idle, they have night :O

senti: uQ, it seems to be a nice decent match .. i think idle have show us some special things last games .. but uq will take it

w3st: i reckon uq again, i think they do it again for some reason
man 2 fuckin good :P
its like carnage

DaForce: uQ, because uQ have seemed to be the stronger side this seaon imo

and on a final note...

(18:30:28) (@sFx-Andeh) i taught raveneye tbh
(18:30:36) (@sFx-w3st) i taugh senji

(sure you did lads - ed)