Since ClanBase decided to drop Railgun from their ladders there has been talk both for and against the decision, with the map still fresh in people's minds it seemed that many disliked it but as it slowly crept out of living memory the only opinions voiced seemed to be in favour of an old classic.

Then there was a glimmer of hope as ClanBase announced that they would be using the map again in a cup, this could only be beneficial as far as I'm concerned, particularly with increasing coverage allowing people to check out the map and form valid opinions - but then the CB crew changed their minds and decided to play it safe by freezing Railgun out and bringing in et_ice.

Since that occured we haven't seen much conversation on the subject but the few times it has come up I've only seen people who want the chance to play it in matches again!
So if CB decided they needed to drop it perhaps we should consider the problems with it and the possible solutions.

Please take the time to consider the ideas I will raise in this article and post your thoughts, I'll see how far I can play devil's advocate.

Now lets get down to business, I'd like to start with the most prevalent complaint, the textures...