This is another good idea from Mozambique Swine and Germany Conan, rather than changing the physical map the suggestion is to make the depot easier to attack by changing the way the axis secure the depot as a spawn.

The basic idea is to shift the command post further toward the depot yard but if the axis have built it they can spawn in the depot and the allies loose that flag.

This point doesn't only have the potential to change the depot attack stage, but it would also force both teams to change their classes - it means the Axis wont push with 6 medics all the time and the Allies may need to drop a few players to control the CP as well as stopping the tug..

I can see this changing the focus from defending the depot to a defence around the track switch, the next idea I've stolen from Swine and Conan is to make the track switch more important to the Allies by having it constructible - the Axis would be able to blow it up with a Satchel charge, not just dynamite.

These ideas may be alot more likely to be achieved more using etpro map scripts, at the moment this is probably the best option unless we can find a mapper who is up for a lot of work!