Another month, another top10 from us here at ET Cast. This months edition contains all results from May and May only!
Teams that competed in this Seasons Euro Cup and later stages of YCN Summer Cup are being considered for the top 10 positions. Some teams may have only played one game this month and because of this have not made it into the top10.
The following teams are being considered for the top 10 positions for May 2011.
Anexis eSports
Belgian Fraternity
K1ck eSports Club
Next Evolution ESC
Nordic eSport
Mouse Control
Power Gaming
Justice League
Red as a Beetroot
Team Dignitas
Team Rockit
Team Winfakt!
to make odds even
Ultra Violet Gaming
Thanks to galla for statistics gathering and Artstar for checking.
Teams that competed in this Seasons Euro Cup and later stages of YCN Summer Cup are being considered for the top 10 positions. Some teams may have only played one game this month and because of this have not made it into the top10.
The following teams are being considered for the top 10 positions for May 2011.
Anexis eSports
Belgian Fraternity
K1ck eSports Club
Next Evolution ESC
Nordic eSport
Mouse Control
Power Gaming
Justice League
Red as a Beetroot
Team Dignitas
Team Rockit
Team Winfakt!
to make odds even
Ultra Violet Gaming
Thanks to galla for statistics gathering and Artstar for checking.
u shud also know queens was 12:4 = 8 and anexis 12:2 = 10
Would be pretty cool to get them up just before in order to have them for coverage of the LAN, imo - there should be loads of games in June with all the SAGE seeding tournament stuff plus the EC finals &c, so the rankings should be pretty good...
2. getting placed under 2 teams that played only 3 matches
3. 500e profit
also, considering some of your losses.. 8)
be proud.
oh, what exactly makes them better on lan? mind explaining?
Do u think the same way from couple of ur teammates as u do about me? After all they have been busted too. Whats the difference? They played one shit level lan and its cool now?
After 10 dicks your high skill
It's not like dicknitas are what they were in the past... every team could've beated them...