Let me introduce you to the two candidates for this contest, I do however fear this is going to be a rather one sided affair.

image: bio
In the blue corner - *BiO* Public Server, once home to Clan *BiO*, the team that never quite could beat the dh oasis defence, now monitored under the watchful eyes of a playground bully that came 60 years too late for the nazi party, aka Jintah.

image: 1s_HOLSTEN-3
In the red corner - Alcohol, once held responsible for many votes for George Bush in the 2000 election, however since cleared of all allegations after it turned out people still didnt vote for him. Costs quite alot in Scandinavia, but a good polish equivalent wont set you back much!

So, after returning to university for this week I had the option of spending my evenings either playing video games (most likely on BiO), going out (most definately drinking) or working. Well the fact that I'm up at 3.30 AM means I probably didnt work, and the fact that my wallet is now empty, means I certainly didnt stay in and play video games!

That means a large amount of alcohol was consumed over this week, interupting my gaming schedule. Combined with beautiful weather, and the climax to the football season, playing video games was a distant desire in my head (other than losing at Pro evolution soccer to my housemate, but thats a sport/art).

So this evening/morning roles around, I'm looking for something other than my work to do and I spy this lovely irc comment from Nellie:

(03:19:01) (@nellie) bio whores kicked me :(

Great idea! I'll go and play on BiO, should be fun, havent played on BiO in well over a week, whats the old warhorse got in store for me this evening. An epic document battle? A classic gunfight? Maybe just 1 frag that i'll be happy with for a public session.

(03:20:55) (@TosspoT) m'on!

So I've got a great playlist lined up, and I'm on ready to fight, ready to rock and roll....

(03:27:01) (@TosspoT) f*#!ing sh?t server

Thats right, within 6 minutes and 6 seconds I had left the Anti Noob zone that is BiO. Thinking to myself, why oh why did I ever play this game? Why oh why would anyone ever fill that server and why oh why are there 7 bloody medics and nobody wants to revive me?

I didnt have any of these concerns whilst consuming large quantities of the beautiful liquid that is Sainsburys Premium White Rum. Nor did my Jeagermeister run into my artillery, and you know what? Even the disgusting pint of "Alpine Lager" I consumed didnt make me want to throw up as much as playing on BiO did.

So why is BiO easily comparable to the after effects of a night out? What is wrong with it? Was it always that way?

I could join any competitive RTCW server and have alot of fun, Over easter I was playing on the HellsGate server which is based in the states. I had a 150 ping, I got negative stats, but it was a shedload of fun. I've also been playing on the XS4NL OSP CTF server for Quake 3, its brilliant fun. I completely suck, these people have been playing this game for years, and yet its still an economy sized shed full of fun!

But when looking at BiO, there really is no alternative to alcohol. The server is filled with people that have no desire to complete any single objective. The brilliance that is the RTCW teamplay dynamic simply does not exist on this server, you play on your own, and its a fight for your own survival.
If you dare to play Field Ops you run the risk of losing 20% of your health just getting out of your spawn because your own medics shoot you for ammo. And if thats not bad enough, should you make it out of your spawn theres always that little punk who is leaning around the corner waiting for the easy frag that he hopes might just get him spotted and offered a place in SoF.

I love online gaming, Its an ingenious invention that now it would seem extremely hard to imagine living without. However, what the hell happened?
ET Quakewars has alot to do to keep interest levels up. When the teamplay dynamic is destroyed on a public, what are you left with? CounterStrike seems the obvious choice, and I think the reason we're all here is because we're better than that.

So here is the official Xfire top 5 reasons of why Alcohol is better than BiO!

5th - Alcohol wont run into your artillery and then globally spam
4th - When consuming Alcohol you're usually around people who are aged 18 and over...even if they dont act it sometimes.
3rd - You cant hide behind an alias when you're drunk!
2nd - Alcohol does not give you a 100 ping


The number one reason alcohol is better than BiO -

Bacardi makes women look better, resulting in no need for porn, BiO increases your boredom levels and thus the need to visit cheap crappy porn sites.

The pot has spoken