A lot has been writen in the past two weeks about why or why CoD 2 might or might not become the next big shot in esports. Carmac referred to Enemy Territory as the game that has tried to become big and has failed.

When 5on5 was announced, it was motivated by the intention to help ET onto a new level. Everyone is constantly talking about more LAN events. All players eagerly await the next Quakecon. Yet ET is still as small as it has been since its release, the LANs are hosted by the community and no big tournaments have picked it up yet.

So what went wrong?

Let's start with the leagues. When the ESL announced its International Premiership with more prize money than any EuroCup has ever had, I expected a lot of signups and a fierce competition. Now, a few months later, all but four teams have dropped out of the final stage, leaving the remaining teams and the whole crowd out there without any more exciting matches to take place. The prize money will be distributed even though little skill was needed to place 3rd or 2nd now that so many teams left the competition. The first to drop out were sFx, one of those who were seen as idle's strongest challenger. FF followed because they rather play the only 5on5 event out there. vib readily accepted 5on5 and then had to resign as well when they realised they couldn't go on playing with a six man lineup.
Call me biased, I do not know how anyone in his right mind could just gamble away the (monetary) support of Europe's biggest league. With that first season coming to an end and half the teams gone on the way, what do you think the odds are that there will be a second one? Everyone should realize that prize money for a game requires a minimum of success and attention for that league. Yet the ET community goes around saying that the ESL sucks and that ClanBase and its EuroCup, out of purely nostalgic reasons, has more prestige and should therefore be more important, even without a single cent of prize money.
Players should realize that prestige might be a good thing for some, but it doesn't help ET at all. I am sure that the Liga4Fun has a lot of prestige among fun gamers, but that doesn't mean more money or more fans for ET. ClanBase has had ET tournaments for the last two years, were there LAN events? It should be obvious that CB alone is not enough, but it seems most of the community (especially the players) only want a single important online tournament and neglect everything the ESL does.

Which basically brings me to my second point. Without wanting to blow my own trumpet, ET is in a situation where I can get it on TV and therefore into the public spotlight. Things were and are different with shoutcasters, they just sign up for matches whenever they take place. With GIGA, we need fixed times and dates and can't show it before 23 CET. But where are aMenti, who wanted to be a big esports player, when it comes to these matches? Where are all the other big names? So far, helix was basically the only team which constantly agreed to play on GIGA - though it shouldn't have been necessary to convince them since they get money and a lot of attention for that. Are 40.000 viewers not enough to help ET? Are the countless questions I get regarding ET no indication of how interested even those who have never played it before are?
The means are there, yet nobody seems to be willing to make use of them. Players rather play two hours earlier or can under no circumstances play on Saturday - alcohol and stuff, you know.

Are big clans impressed by the number of news posts on Crossfire that were made for a certain team? Are they impressed by internal clashes about 5on5 or 6on6? Sponsors and big clans want publicity. ET could give it to them - by having several successful major online tournaments, by having every top team appear on TV for an audience of dozens of thousands. And it doesn't happen.

Is that how you want to make Enemy Territory a bigger esports game?

Mission failed.