Last night I joined Pumu's kinky ventrilo and had a nice chat with Mztik and Reload. It's one of these nice things about the ET community. Even an average player as myself can fire up ventrilo and talk with the biggest stars of ET. Imagine that in the CS community ;) So we started talking and Reload was telling how some of his friends wanted to try out ET. Too bad for his friends it was impossible to start playing because you needed so many patches. Hell, I dont even know what you have to install these days. Wouldn't it be great if ET got a new install file with all the updates and patches included, maybe even etpub & etpro? No offence, but you have to be somewhat of a nerd to get ET working these days. Your average internet user just wants to click the download link, press the install button and start playing.

So we kept on dreaming. ET is a free game, stats tell me that its the 8th biggest FPS. That's a lot of players. But because it's free there is virtually no PB support. The game was released with more bugs then most beta tests have. Some of the maps weren't realy finished as a lot of the optimizing was never finished. Wouldn't it be amazing if they released some expansion to ET? You would buy the expansion and get the original ET along with it. I think a lot of ET players would buy an expansion to ET, just fixing the game, maybe bring us a mappack once in a while. It certainly wouldnt hurt if splashdamage would just give us a new map to play with once every year. Ofcourse there will never be an expansion to ET, I realize that. Especialy not with all the ET pubbers waiting for ET:Quakewars. But then again, Tram is what kept me going in RTCW. And most ETplayers wouldnt mind paying 10-20€ for real punkbuster support and real cdkeys which is the only solution to cheaters. I'm very aware that i'm dreaming here but in a perfect Wolfenstein world, Splashdamage would release a tool like Steam and sell their games online. Steam is the future, you do have to pay for your games, but you pay way less then you do now. If such a Splashdamage 'Steam' program would be available they could actualy sell an expansion to ET at a nice price. But then again, they want everybody to go play Quakewars. I guess we will have to wait for RTCW2. I think it will be a big hit, the RTCW brand still has a lot of credibilty in the pro gaming scene. Even Czm played it .:drool:.

Somehow along the way I felt like whining about the config restrictions that most players have always known. Once upon a time you could play RTCW and tweak away as much as you wanted. I never had problems seeing people in RTCW. To most people, ET is a game about aim, teamplay and strategy NOT hide and seek. Isn't it time we finaly adopted some kind of brightskins or reduce the limitation cvars like picmip? Actualy why are we using picmip restrictions? Cause Quakecon 2002 thought it would look nicer? Common, gimme break. If ET wants to be 'competitive' the last thing we need is not being able to see your opponent clearly or needing 4 different configs for ice - supply - radar and goldrush. Maybe i'm exagerating, still I see no reason not to allow this as long as you can't see trough bushes and trees.

image: tweaks4av8

Another thing we talked about was 5on5. Actually we were talking about Tosspot 'pushing' 5on5. Somehow he tried not to push 5on5, he knew he couldnt take a position. But then again, Tosspot must have realized 5on5 would make it much easier to get ET accepted as a LAN game. The whole 5on5 thingy didn't turn out well but then again, it was a very good idea. 5on5 is way easier for LAN's and lets be serious, without LAN's a game realy isnt anything. So what went wrong with the 5on5 scenario? All out of the blue Quakecon announces it will feature 5on5 ET. The next weeks we see a lot of cups changing to 5on5. Did they do any testing? Not realy. Did they nerf the rifle? Not realy. 5on5 might have been a good idea, we'll never know as we didnt really give it a chance. We might have played 5on5 but that was just 6on6 with one guy less. We didnt really think about making a new config or about maps not being suitable for the 5on5 format. There wasn't any real testing. We just changed to 5on5, hoping everything would turn out fine. I think we were all very naive in the 5on5 drama. Its a sad story as 5on5 would have made it easier for ET to get into LANS that would never considered hosting a 6v6 game.

Next brainstormer: Lottomaps. What makes ET maps good? Pretty simple actually. You need three stages. Let's take goldrush. The allies take the tank away with more then 15 seconds on the spawnclock. On a map like Adlernest you would probably get GG's being exchanged. At goldrush you would just have lost 'the next phase'. You might lose the tank, but then you still have the barrier and the gold, even the truck. On supplydepot a covert might sneak trough the door, but it will never cost you the game. maybe you lose CP, not the full map. Even when the allies get the crane controls there's a 15 second delay before you can actualy start moving the truck. Now take a 'lotto' map: frostbite. Its quiet easy to lose the whole game at once. If you make one mistake there isn't a third phase that will get you back on track. One lucky(?) panzershot could cost you the game. If you play supply or grush you could actualy say 9 minutes is an average time. 7 minutes is a very nice one, 11 a bit to slow. Thats just not possible on a 2 stage map like Frostbite or Adlernest. It could be 1 minute, might as well be 12. On a side note. What I think most people enjoy about Goldrush and Supplydepot is the space it gives you as a team. There's just so many routes you can go, so many positions you can take, which gives your team much more to work with..

And then there's this last thing. Where do all the highskilled players come from lately? Like common let's be serious. People like Mystic or Tekoa, they worked years to reach their level of play. Is it realy possible to become high++ in less then 12 months? How come players like Fost, who only lived 15 minutes away from CPC-lan , didn't attend when it would prove they were kosjer? Why did mAus play with Rize but didnt make it to Rotterdam? And then there's the snapping, snap snap snap. Its strange to see all these new 'aimstyles'. But then again even on nobody actually cares anymore wether cheat. You dont get nuked or banned for spamming your pr0 bot stories around. And its lists like these that actualy get you thinking. Why do we even allow those kiddies in our community? The Allu story was the best example of how passive we have become. His teammates actualy find out he was using hacks when the game was going on, but nevertheless they kept on playing. That's the actualy state of ET at the moment. There's something rotten and ugly but somehow we turn away and try to ignore it.

Thanks go out to United Kingdom Mztik for the interesting conversation. The ideas above are just some brainfarts I didnt mean to offend neither Fost nor the Irish NC team. I dont even know them by far, just figured they would make good examples. And no, my english dont works. Dont bother mentioning. O, almost forgot to give United Kingdom Tosspot credit for his awesome title, and Belgium Tala to force me to remove about 50 spelling errors.