Today marks another significant chapter in the history and professionalism of competitive Enemy Territory. In a bid to bring another air of level of media coverage and competitiveness to the scene, these unofficial rankings will hopefully give teams another title to fight for; so without further ado I present the first ever

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Professional Enemy Territory European Rankings v1 ]

Obvious choice, showing absolutely no signs of weakness and continue to go from strength to strength in Eurocup XIV. They haven't lost a 6v6 match since parodia in February, and only 2 maps lost since then as well [Demiurge-Frostbite and Helix-Radar] , simply sensational form even despite recent lineup changes. At the moment no one can touch them.

Team Helix ]

The only other team not to drop a map this term in Eurocup are Helix and the German sextet also hoping to maintain their number 1 contender spot from the other German speaking power, and for now they keep there spot. Finishing second overall in the ESL IPS despite a surprising loss to aMenti, but forcing to a decider sees them as a serious power in the world of Enemy Territory and fully deserving of there second place here over their counter parts.

zeroPoint! ]

Whether it was first game nerves or Morrigu playing a blinder, it cost zeroPoint! 2nd place in this ratings, but it did so much more. It showed weakness, a weakness that idle doesn't and one that will give some confidence to there opponents, knowing that they are beatable and maybe even a little over rated ? Cruising through their group with only the one minor slip up and without a real challenge its hard to judge the new contender and even harder to say why they deserve 2nd spot. A seemingly straightforward tie against rewind awaits them in the play offs but winning will do little for there reputation, a Cdap encounter will possibly give a worthy test that this team so desperately needs.

aMenti ]

On first inspection, you could be forgiven for looking twice, and wondering how aMenti could possibly be placed above Cdap – Pi given they recent encounter. aMenti had the luxury of already been qualified regardless of the result, and whether it was a lapse in concentration or genuinely not being good enough to beat Cdap pi it cost them and now they get the rough draw, a match against One thing in aMenti's favor is when they play well they really do play well, you saw it against Helix and Netrunners in the ESL IPS and when push comes to shove, whats to stop them going one better than Helix did and taking a win? Nothing in all fairness.

Cdap – pi ]

Leaving things to the last minute isn't how things are done in Eurocup, the winners of Eurocup don't leave there play off chances to the last game of the group. A early and simply unexpected loss to one4one put Cdap's position in trouble but they came through in the end, topping group B and most importantly avoiding and now face murso. Boasting a improved lineup, there should be looking to progress as far as possible in the eurocup and really put there mark down.

The Netrunners ]

The best team in Poland might not actually be the best team in Poland after having some trouble against Fear Factory in Poznan, but outside of home derby's there claim is well justified and deserved, placing fairly well in ESL IPS despite a mauling in the last game against aMenti, and qualifying comfortably along behind zeroPoint! The polish superstars will know in they hearts that they cant be expected to get very much further in the competition as a loser bracket reunion against aMenti is looking on the cards. But a genuine improvement from last seasons Polewka attempt is nice to see.

one4one ]

Eurocup XIV can name one4one the unlucky team, just as most seasons this is no different, a team which seemingly has done enough to qualify for the play offs will not. However one4one cannot rest of then laurels, proving they were and are more than capable of punching above they weight. They should capitalize on what has been a good season, win Warleagues and ESL and continue to push forward knowing that they are one of the best and most fearsome teams to face today, and thats why despite not qualifying for the Eurocup Offs they place above two teams which did.

Murso SFX ]

Like most Finnish based teams, they need time to warm up, and after a first game loss to Fear Factory things didn't look too rosy for the Murso Veterans, but low and behold when the chips are down the players show what they worth. After a tense decider competition they pulled threw against Incomplete, and now after the death of Abnormal Monkeys, can most likely give claim to being Finland's number one team. Having faith in the fins pays off and they have emulated last seasons achievement just like i predicted, where they go from here is entirely up to them.

rewind ]

A team which is even harder to judge than zeroPoint! Is the team of Highbot aka Rewind, capable of giving anyone a challenge but undoubtedly not surprising the final outcome, they are a team in which lady luck seems to be smiling at the moment, despite noll8 doing the most unimaginable task in actually beating abnormal monkeys, it is in fact Rewind who will get there chance to shine in the play offs, and lady luck grants them the honor of bestowing this top 10 rankings as well, at least for now!

Incomplete! ]

After so many kind words leading up to Eurocup from just about everyone, did Incomplete really live up to the hype? Well the game against idle was no surprise. The real matches were always going to come from Fear Factory and Murso, and good games they were as well. It seems luck just wasn't with them and 10s difference on radar would have seen them through in second place, but Murso's experience came through and they managed to put down these upstarts not once but twice to take there spot. A worthwhile experience for many of these players who shouldn't be embarrassed with what they achieved and hopefully will continue to build on it.

So congratulations are in order, again for Estonia who finish 2006 as number one team with a Quakecon title, Crossfire Lan, ESL IPS and Eurocup title under there belt and look in good form to continue. I expect quite a large amount of change come the next rankings, best of luck to the teams vying for the top 10 and a happy new year to all the players at the top of our game which make it a pleasure to write about.

Information[/u] ]

-Ratings were formed from ClanBase Eurocup, and ESL IPS official matches, whereby wins/losses and map wins were judged to be the best indication of the skill of the clan. Skill of the opponent/groups were taken as the next mark to separate teams.

-The rankings will be updated in line with major online and Lan events, at least on a quarterly basis and will mark the most skilled/active teams playing.

-The rankings take into consideration, matches played in the 6v6 format only.

-Other competitions (ET Cup/1-day Cup/Warleagues etc) will only be taken into consideration when a minimum skill threshold is met, although direct meetings between teams fighting for a place in the top 10 or teams already in the top 10 will be taken into consideration.

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