Its been some years since the release of Enemy Territory for free to the interent community. And since then its been a great success. Many if not most of these players have probaly never even played the great classic game of RTCW Online. So heres the question. Should Id Software, etc release the Multiplayer of RTCW to the public for free?

What would be the benefits of releasing such a good team based game to the online community? For one, it would boost the current community in numbers! RTCW is played in 2 versions. 1.4 ( Patch ) Which is mainly people with a vailid CD Key and 1.0 ( No Patch ) Which is mainly people without a valid CD Key. Take a guess which one or these versions is more popular at the minute? Its 1.0.

Its no surprise to me that when I finish work at 6am in the morning that I cant Join a Public 1.4 OSP server in Europe as theres no one active at the time to play against. But if I join a 1.0 game I have a choice of 3-7 servers to play on. ( A Mod called SandMod ). So I've been thinking over the last few weeks how can I get 1.0 players to 1.4 ( With PunkBuster + Competition Mod ) and increase the user base of RTCW? Well its simple, release RTCW MP FOR FREE!

When F.E.A.R released its Multiplayer for free it followed suit with a increase of at least 100,000 + Players who tried it at least once. With the Release of Enemy Territory as an Addon and ET:QW, RTCW2 around the corner surely ID Software have no more money to gain from RTCW as a game? It would be a great boost to the RTCW faithful if such a proposal was carried forward.

Warleagues is the only European League really supporting RTCW at the minute. So far we've had 30 Clans Signup for the new season. But you'd expect a 25% drop out from those signups. Imagine RTCW being released for free!! Those Signups would Double at the least ( Guessing ) with new players and new clans coming to the game they dont have to purchase. And even if that wasnt the case. I'm sure the Public servers would be alot more active than now.

Should RTCW be released for Free? Should there be a petition? Theres many more points to be made, But I'm sure you get the main point of this column!

Peace Reznap