As I promised yesterday, here is TLR's and mostly mine point of view on Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2! Afterall it was a great tournament I will surely remember for a long, long time, and I'd like to share some parts of with with everyone. So, here we go! Btw I'm sure I'll forget shitloads of stuff, so sorry to everyone I forgot in advance. :>

image: wowai3

Day 1 - Thursday

I arrived in Amsterdam at thursday 10:30 am, where the spaintard Spain Winghaven was camping from 8:30! After catching up, we went to grab a bite at Burger King while waiting for Netherlands Ronner, who was kindly driving us to Enschede.
Netherlands Hnkn was also in the car, providing Wing and me with some cold sausages and bread! :D
After 2 hours driving, and some Pendulum ownage we finaly arrived at the cabins, where we met Germany humM3L, Turkey firebaLL, Portugal sexyhot, Poland Fasolka...
FirebaLL kindly fed us with some ownage turkish meat bureks !! After some time, Belgium dAv1d finaly arrived with Belgium mAus, Sweden irZ, Slovenia JaKaZc and Turkey Atarax, so we decided to check the event place. From that point the time went really fast, Alongside Latvia Clown, we met shitloads of people in random order, so I'll just skip that part. We returned to bungalows around midnight, and had drinks with the others outside. In the end we went to sleep kinda early, around 2am, because we had our games pretty early, and everyone was fucked up from the traveling. Poland doktor was the last one to join us late at night from the trainstation where Belgium dAv1d picked him up.

Day 2 - Friday

After refreshing in the morning, we went with zeroPoint guys on foot to the venue to specc their game and if they will be able to adjust their settings right. They had some problems tho, which caused a 1 hour delay, wasn't surprised tho, because the pc's + monitors really sucked hard. Our games were next on the schedule, gotta say we were really excited about playing on LAN again, but everything went excellent for us, especialy the fact mAus ( and me!!!!!! ) owned from round 1. :)

After the games, doktor, david, clown and me decided we won't stay at the LAN place, so we went to check out Enschede downtown, and to buy some neccessary stuff + my train ticked back for Amsterdam. We bought some beer, cigs, and some shit we used as blankets, because there wasn't any at the bungalows. ;x
After checking the town out, we went back to the LAN place to see Impact - Polar game, and I finaly met Belgium Overdrive there !! I remember Overdrive greeting Estonia r3vers and saying " Hello r3v, I'm Overdrive and I voted for you for the most hated player & most overrated award ". r3v gave him a really strange look back. xD
After some other minor happening, we returned to the bungalows, where the party already started. Met alot of other people, from which I'd like to indicate Netherlands maverick, a great guy who I met again, and had some beers with. Overdrive came with weed later, so we smoked it in a circle for some time, and had some more beer afterwards with some more weed. We got fucked up and I remember only some things from that night, especialy Winghaven, doktor, maverick and myself laughing to death in our bungalow, making others unable to sleep. You can see some quotes from that night here. I'll have to skip some other stories, else this column will be really, really, really, fucking long.

Day 3 - Saturday

After a long night, after waking up, surprisingly we felt excellent, guess we can thank the weed for that. Our schedule wasn't so early this time, so we had the time to clear ourselves up, and slowly proceed to the lan area. Because of RTCW, everything was delayed for 4-5 hours, so Belgium Overdrive, Poland doktor, Netherlands BuLL, Spain Winghaven and Croatia me, used that time to go downtown Enschede and acquire some more weed for the upcoming night. Thankfully to Overdrive's negotiating skills we got about 15 - 20 grams I think. We returned to the event to play vs Polar and after having some drinks & food there we returned to the cabins. Met some other great Non-ET guys that day, like Ireland Crow and Poland Carmac.

The energy there was fucking awesome, everyone were having a nice time, and it was clear that the bunglow area is destined to become a bottle junkyard. The last thing I remember is having alot of drinks in random order with Estonia asd, after smoking weed with Estonia r3vers, Belgium Overdrive and some other guys, it's all a blackout afterwards. xD
As Netherlands LiciD said, apparently I crashed into the wrong bungalow at Netherlands ovrboost's bed, and yelled at him " get the fuck out Poland doktor i wanna sleep ".
I'll have to ask for some more info I guess. :D

Day 4 - Sunday

Everyone knew that our most important games will be on sunday, and ofcourse I was wasted the most then. Whole morning I was totaly fucked up at the LAN area, had like 4 red bull's and other energy stuff. Thanks to the adrenalin I was able to concentrate and play good enough that day, otherwise I would be pretty mad on myself.
About the happenings that afternoon I won't talk alot. Mostly we were chilling out at the venue with other people, waiting for our games to begin. Both Poland doktor and me had problems with our PC's that day, so we decided to make a system restore 4 days backward. Tech God BelgiumOverdrive was there to help us with some other settings, gotta love him for that!
After beating Dignitas on bremen when they set 6 minutes, it was just incredible to be there! You could see everyone just couldn't believe something like that could happen, especialy United Kingdom TosspoT. :P

We set about 8 minutes in our goldrush attack, and the pressure was enormous. They managed to get their game again, and it was all set for a decider - radar, where Spain Winghaven made the dumbest 4 man airstrike ever, allowing us to win that game, and procced to the big final ! After that performance we had no doubts we'll win the LAN, even if we had to play dignitas again, which wasn't destined to happen, because Impact won them with a 4 - 2 result.
I guess everyone knows what happened afterwards. :>

The awards were pretty funny to watch, Spain Winghaven was confused with his awards, because he didn't know for what did he actualy win it. :D
I'm really glad Belgium mAus finaly got rid of all the accusations, as he won the " Best player of CPC2 " award!
Because of the early trip we went to bed quite early, which now I regret deeply because... :

Day 5 - Monday

Before we could go to Amsterdam, we had to return our bungalow keys, however we had some trouble with it because the guy in charge of the place was late + we were missing some money. :x
Because of it we departured 1.30h later then we planned to, and ofcourse I missed my plane. Since Croatia is a 3rd world country, the next plane aviable to reschudule was at Tuesday 11.20 AM, which is exactly 24h away from the plane I missed. =]
Without any options left, I was doomed to wait at the airport for 24 hours, without any money left. Thankfully, Winghaven was kind enough to give me 10 euros so I can survive trought the day.
In the end it wasn't such a tragedy, because over the day I just watched TV at some random bar, and because there was some security closedown, I met a cool girl at the waiting area, which I hanged out with untill 6am since she was in the same situation I was. :P

I finaly came home at Tuesday, around 18:30 pm, with about 150€ more expenses then I planned too, and I didn't sleep for about 48 hours then. However as soon I connected to IRC, and checked some journals/pics, I just forgot all the shit I went trough, CPC2 was something awesome!!

some UBER facts

- Eventhough the bungalows were impossible to stay in, the best part of CPC2 was right there.
- Overdrive is actualy a drug dealer.
- r3vers cheats in exams with mp3 hidden in his hair.
- maverick loled at lepari's haircut everytime he saw him, but it's maverick who has an awesome haircut. xDDDDDDD
- gifty ownz at poker
- butchji got owned by PC settings
- Ronner's pokerface is amazing
- Adacore is amazing in the supervising job, and a really helpfull guy
- humM3L's english in RL isn't bad as it is online
- 99.9% of arrogant people online, are kind in RL
- r3vers was sooooooooo first meights
- maverick lost his invisible headset in the end
- After spending some time with Leonneke, I apologised to him for flaming mQ recently because they were unable to play our online game.
- it normally said tosspost but ppl changed it to lobster boy because he looked so red on the cast :DDD
- Winghaven is a lotto cunt
- Loekino actualy washes his hair with motor oil, not with a shampoo ( mavericks words ;D )
- Crow looks like Matt Damon !
- mAus actualy has cheats in his mouse
- LiciD is 2kind4all
- Cash just ownz
- Can't remember any other facts soz@u

Thanks list

Netherlands Ronner : For driving Winghaven and me to Enschede from the airport, for supplying us with endless free beer, and being a really great guy who helped everyone alot. <3
Belgium Overdrive: For teh weed ofc, and for the immeasurable help you provided doktor, dAv1d & me for the PC settings. <3
Belgium dAv1d: For accepting do drive me back to Amsterdam, even when his schedule was pretty full already. <3
Turkey FirebaLL: For feeding me with ownage turkish bureks and supplying me with some drinks. <3
Spain Winghaven: For giving me 10€ to survive while waiting at the airport. Greatly appreciated mate. <3
Finland Decem: For teh weed, booze and funny moments he provided everyone with. And for whining at me I forgot him! <3

and last but not the least :D :

Netherlands maverick: For making me laugh my guts out, being a great and funny guy, and a personal fanboy from Winghaven and marlboro lights !111!!!!!!!!1111111 <3333333

There it is! I hope you didn't die of boredom while reading this, if you read it at all since I know it's fucking vast. I'll add some more pics when I find some, I'm just 2lazy to check everything out at the moment.

Sorry again if I forgot anyone ( and I know I did), hope to see you all again at CPC3! <3