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Recently, WL released its own config. Having heard so many troubled tales about the Global Config, I decided to check out the three configs made by ESL, WL and CB. So what did this investigation turn up. An endless list of commands, the configs looked totally different and it took me over 5 minutes to find these big differences:

Quoteteam_maxMg42s [0-1]
b_helmetprotection [0-1]
com_maxfps IN [40-125]
cl_maxpackets IN [40-100]
rate [15000 - 25000]
forcecvar cg_autoaction [7]
b_simpleitems [0-1]

Quite an impossible list to overcome ...


In my personal opinion, the mg matter should be open to public debate, not three people battling it out on a personal level. I know this community whines a lot, but our voices should be heard even if 90% of them are total crap. People want a global config, just take the best of both worlds: the global configs mg removal and use CB's more tolerant netsettings.

It's a global config. If it is really such an issue allow for tolerant settings. Forcing higher packets wont solve packetloss. Forcing higher fps will only screw over ppl with a shit pc, it will not affect you. Rate is the information you download from the gameserver. It only affects the way how you see the ET gameworld, forcing it IN 20000 25000 like WL did seems pretty pointless. Cg_autoaction 7 means demos get recorded automaticly. Seeing all leagues demand you to record demos of officials this could be turned on, anyway its nothing that could stop a global config.

Aside from these settings, the only differences are some LUA fixes and a md5 list for checking cheats, which is another pointless feature as you have to update the config once every two months or so. There's also some streaming issues that have to do with the config, but these should get resolved in the near future.

I demand, in name of the community, that the respective config makers from ESL, WL and CB put aside their differences and give us a global config.

Spain Dr3am for making the Scary Config pic
Netherlands Frop and Spain Donex for all the information.

Download all current 6v6 configs