Aim is everything?
“put the 6 best aimers together and u got the best team around”

This is without any doubt a daring statement, after all Enemy Territory is a team-play based game and putting together the best aimers isn’t a guarantee you got yourself the best team around. Is it?
To make it easy I took 6 players that are undoubtedly known for their aiming capacities. Not everyone will agree with this line up, and I’m not saying these are without any doubt the finest ET has to offer, but their quality is undeniable.So do we have ourselves a new ec winner?

The aimers line up

So if we put these six guys together do we have a team that will be able to compete with Europe’s finest? The first problem is team-play. Enemy Territory needs team play whether u like it or not. Without any doubt the individual skill of these players is excellent, but if this will also result in great team-play is far from sure. To become a top class team u need chemistry, there has to be a certain click. If all of those players are using the same style of play, for example very aggressive which is possible if u have a very strong aim, this will obviously won’t work at all. A team needs defensive players and aggressive players, and preferably a perfect mix between those two. Converting a player that is aggressive from nature, to a defensive player can be very hard and maybe even impossible. A player might even lose his value if u convert him to a defensive style of play. Take a Rambo medic who almost never revives and suddenly his main task is following that engineer and doing almost nothing else then reviving. The possibility of him having problems with that is really big. But let’s say he can be converted to that defensive play style, it will take time. This won’t be solved after playing two pracs.

Being able to play a new class is another problem. Most of these players are used to playing medic. A team consisting out of only medics won’t do the trick u need at least one good field ops, a multiclasser , and a talented engineer. Starting to adapt to a new class takes time, improving your skill in deploying good artillery’s throwing those airstrikes, spawning the right class at the right time takes time and some people will never be able to do that. Seeing these guys have great skill it’s possible they can make that conversion. But again we have no guarantees they will be able to become a top notch multiclasser (ex. Winghaven) or an excellent field ops (ex. Ganon)
Ramboing doesn’t require a lot of tactical intelligence (by this I’m not saying these guys have no in game brains). For an Rambo play style it’s just not required. These guys might not be familiar with different kinds of situations. if u put 6 brainless players together, we all know the outcome. I believe u need a player that’s able to make tactical decisions, that might turn the game in their favor, and that won’t be done by having aim alone. The first name that comes up is night(again). There are numerous occasions in which he was able to turn the game into the favor of his team being doing one critical action. An other example is winghaven, his actions were quite decisive for the outcome of several matches at cpc2. U need a player capable of doing this if u want a top notch team. Dignitas has night, Tlr have winghaven . Does this mean this team can’t have a player like that, of course not but again someone of this team needs to have this instinct in making a decisive action for the game. You’ll need a player that is able to compete with a night or winghaven. A mediocre multiclasser won’t cut it, at least if u want to compete with the big boys. Can a player be converted to a new winghaven or night. Or is it these players nature of making those kind of critical actions?

A team needs a leader. A brain behind the team. Someone who coordinates the team, is able to keep them together and make them listen. I think none of these players are in-game leaders of their clan (correct me if I’m wrong here, by this I’m not saying they can’t lead a team). Having a leader is something a team needs or you can forget it. Does any of these guys have the capacity to do this. It might be, these guys are experienced enough but it’s not only the experience that counts. I’m convinced a player has the talent to lead a team or doesn’t and if this team doesn’t have someone that is able to lead them, they just can’t perform good enough to be on the top.

First of all I would like to say the players I mentioned are great, and anything I stated is merely meant as an example. It don’t know these player and it might be they all have the capacities I took in doubt. I just wanted to show that having 6 superb aimers isn’t a guaranteed key to success. But I do believe if these players are able to convert different types of their game-play creating a great balance and combining the elements I named they’d be close at Europe’s top. The question however is, can u convert a player to all those things? I for one believe u can’t just put the best players together and it will result in a top team. They might put down good results, but once competing with the top I think they’d fail. The reason is “ 6 goods don’t make a great” I hope I convinced a few people and make them see that aim isn’t everything.
Thanks for your time any remarks are welcome.