This is a problem which has occured recently in the Counter-Strike Source scene, for years the competitors have been living under the shadow of their older brother Counter-Strike 1.6, however at the same time CSS was able to feed itself with publicity generated from the older but more popular and much more competive game. But the CSS scene has reached a turning point, the Championship Gaming Series (CGS) will be holding an woldwide event which is somehow comparable with the CPL world tour in the past years, and one of the games it will feature is Counter-Strike Source. It is a great thing to get your favorite game finaly known as a top competive game.

However if things continue like this Counter-Strike Source might soon fade away, what's the problem? Teams don't have clear priorities anymore. In the past the teams would love to play at the EuroCup, and strong and possibly longlasting teams were formed, including names like Sweden Check Six which featured oldschool ET player Sweden feruS. Yet Check Six is no more, one of the reasons being the player I just mentioned was not old enough to participate in the CGS (18+). To be able to participate in the top competitions such as the CGS, teams want to practise more and more, how does this fit in combination with the summer upcoming? It doesn't. Over the past few weeks there have been three top CSS teams quitting the scene; Slovakia defeaters, Sweden check-6 and Finland Cadre, what also happened was the old 4Kings team getting kicked out due to inactivity, and the same organisation taking in the Reason Gaming CSS team. Big competitions like the CGS have both good things and bad things, one of the things is that teams will need to make some changes.

So why am I posting this on a ET / CoD2 community website? I think about the same could happen in these two beloved games, most likely in CoD2 but the same thing might happen in the ET scene. If for example the ClanBase EuroCup continues to drop their support for the ET scene, and if there are competitions like the etQcup and possible Dignitas Qpad Tournament, who will even care about the EuroCup next season? Teams want to win, and they will need to practise more and will lose the stability they have right now, because they will need to replace players who aren't as active as the team wants them to be.

Right now Enemy Territory is in a great state, with a lot of stable teams and a better EuroCup than ever, we should not forget about the bad things this popularity might bring however.