I am astonished about the current recruitment of a clanbase supervisor.
The problem handles two issues. First I will dispute myself about the way those persons were recruited, second i will argue the fact how disorderly this happened.

For those who don't know it yet there was a "Clanbase ladder supervisor" application held by Clanbase.com. People had to fill in a form (when they wanted to apply) in which they gave a small background of themselves, and in which they had to tell why they are the best candidate for the job. I myself was one of those who gave it a shot. And luckily for me i got selected into a tight group of 6 people which received an interview to make some closer contact. I myself was really happy that i was picked out of a large group, but still i realised i had hard fellow candidates.

I knew most of these candidates: Bartichello, Koe, Rhand, Splodge, Skeiz and of course myself. Shortly after my interview (well 10 days after my interview eventhough it would only take 5 days as i was told), i got to see Rhand having the clanbase tag on clanbase.et, and him being opped. I was totally startled, and i quickly checked my emails if i didn't receive something aswell, just a message why i was/wasn't picked would be nice. But nowhere in my mailbox i could even find a post related to clanbase. Oke but that's not enough to cause a frustration, it's just a minor point which isn't nice to remark. You apply to become a ladder supervisor, you put your time and effort in doing interviews with them, in writing good comments about yourself in the best english you got, you are a referee for their matches and what you get: not even an email stating you aren't picked. But no big deal, i could come up with some points in favor of clanbase in this issue.

But the next issue really overcomes me. You will probably call this jealousy, and that i don't grant them their appointment, and yes you are right for 50%, i do envy them for being picked. But what i don't understand, and i really completely don't understand it is why Rhand and Splogde are picked and not 1 other candidate. Because maybe these two guys are good guys, good in what they do, but clanbase is forgetting one major point: long based acitvity. But i've got to explain this matter to most of you i guess so let's start with splodge.

Splodge is probably chosen because of his shoutcaster career, which could link clanbase closer to the gamersworld, and which could provide more coverage. But is that a reason to make someone directly a supervisor of a ladder? Because i have nearly seen many ladder games being shoutcasted (oke maybe that's the reason) but nor have i seen him ever ref a match for clanbase. Maybe his english skills are right, which i don't even consider to have my doubts on, but he totally has no experience with the clanbase happening in which i mean the reffing of matches and the rules that apply to it. But oke, i understand that the link between shoutcasting and clanbase ladder games could have been decisive. That is why i wish him many luck with his appointment, and i hope he does a hell of a job!

But then i have to come to another case named Rhand.
I think as good as everybody know Rhand. But i don' t think he is famous, i'm even going to go a step further: he's notorious, and not famous at all. In every post i read on crossfire stated by him, i can see flame, i can see whine, i can see argues, i can see him fucking up someone. Is this a guy that has to represent clanbase? Is this a guy qualified for the job. = > Let me state it right: as a clanbase admin you have to be able to help people with random ladder issues (certainly when you are a ladder sup), or problems, or even conflicts. So you have to stay cool in difficult situations. You think a person who flames at everyone who even looks in his direction is qualified to stay cool in hard situations and is able to solve a problem properly and without any flame from his side: sorry but i am lolling on this one. They have picked one of ET's most hated persons to become a helping hand in the community: riiittee..
But if that would be the only problem i have then i would be another random fucktard which has no clue of what happens in ET scene. That is why there pops up another matter. In my opinion Rhand has been picked out because of his uberacitvity, which i can't deliver myself, well not in his proportions. Especially in these last 2-3 weeks he showed himself a real wonder on earth because he adminned as good as 70% of all EC matches this season (No real numbers of course). He was there every time he was needed. But didn't i hear something via irc loggs? Ow guess what i did: Rhand states that he will probably be much less active within 2 months because of him going to school again. Now let me think: wasnt there a question in clanbase interview which stated: "Are you having any future plans which will gain much of your (spare) time? Didn't rhand tell that going to university takes a whole damm a lot of his activness, which he had in this EC season. I guess his acitvity is to be given to the fact that a lot of EC cup admins are having exams, or have to go to work, and that they don't have the time to write as much reports as he does.
And yet another matter: Rhand is uberactive: do you think that will work out for ever? He has only participating in ET reffing scene for 2 seasons. Especially current season he showed his uberactiveness. But aren't we forgetting old fellows here? Who are in the buisiness for more than 4 years now? I'm afraid we are: and again i'm not stating myself (you'll now see i wasn't indeed the best candidate). I'm talking about Bartichello, an old bitch who has been doing great wonderful, extreme good jobs over the time. And he still is, but his last 3 weeks were filled by doing hard stuff. Weren't this last 3 weeks the applications held by clanbase? I'm afraid they were. And in these EC season he wasn't able to proove himself as uberactive as Rhand. But he does has proven to be active on time base of 4 years. As far as i can count properly 4 years activeness and being one of ET's best writers weighs much more than 2 years activeness, 1000% flame, and medium skilled matchreports. Because i know those matchreports have a decisive weight i think this is random bullshit.

I'm sorry clanbase, but i've supported you in every flame article which was pointed to you, i agreed every time blindless with your ideas, but now you've even lost my faith in you. Furthernow i'm doubting very badly if i want to continue on reffing for this orginisation, and i know others are doing the same as I. And who will then be writing all those matchreports? Rhand? Ow yes, surely when he is making his university exams...