6 minutes on Supply, 5:37 on Goldrush it takes something special to set those times no matter who you opponent is. When it’s the team that tossed you aside at CPC2 it’s just a little bit sweeter, are the Dignitas boys back in town?

TLR to their credit did lose dAv1d from their standard line-up, however with the greatest respect to the Belgian he’s not Night and he’s not r3vers, nor is he practicing for Quakecon Quakewars. With the exception of Reload, the nation of Estonia has left Dignitas and when that means, the most exceptional players the game have ever seen have left your line-up then it’s a big transition period.

Since TLR defeated Dignitas at CPC2 the side has been nothing more than a lame duck, paddling from one defeat to another. TLR, Impact, Cadre, pro5 all found the key to unlock the Dignitas defence, it’s been blamed on Nights departure, it’s been blamed on senji's illness and its also been often blamed on sol joining the roster. So many defeats had left their mark on confidence as well as the constant question as to their ability to play with the big boys once again.

There can be no better opponent to make your statement of intent against than TLR. Winghaven's four man support on Radar back in April was the puff that brought the house down, and TLR's reputation has grown ever since. Most notably this was the side that earlier this week avenged their Eurocup defeat to evolve with a 3 map victory in the QCup itself. For those reasons victory will have been as sweet as ever, and this is what sol had to make of it:

Quote by solIt was nice to win, shame the match had so many pauses though, not to mention the map restart! I don't know what the missing ingredient was, I still don't think we're playing at our full potential, I don't think TLR were in shape either. We've both been inactive for various reasons, summer, ET:QW, etc. I think we played pretty well despite our inactivity though! Originally I heard a lot of "No night no win" or "sol is playing, they'll lose" comments, due to our performance at CPCII, but I think it's just kind of stuck, like a running joke. Perhaps I'm being totally naive when saying that, but it's the impression I get!

If it was a sluggish victory, if it was a three map victory or if it was against any other line-up it might not mean a thing. However official results, and in the QCUP, money, speak louder than anything else. The two teams who didn’t need money for their CDC attendance would have seen the spoils of tonights labour go into their back pocket. This cash game was the crowning factor for sitting back and congratulating them on a hard worked victory. Will they regain their CDC Crown?