Quakecon day 2 is now over and after quite a lot of action in the Quakewars tournament we’ve seen and learnt a great deal about the teams and the players. Most of this came from the 20ID versus Dignitas winner bracket semi match where the number two and three seeds collided but more importantly two different approaches to the game can to head.

Dignitas opened offence on Area 22 and continued to push forward from all angels, they weren’t met by much resistance on the outside of the generator, instead found the Americans waiting inside the generator. This standardised War Room type defence from 20ID was well worked and followed a pattern that we’ve seen for years and years, some innovation and variation but in earnest we’d seen this before.

The second stage offence from dignitas was over in a flash and really didn’t offer much insight into how Quakewars will unfold in this format, but don’t worry on 20ID’s offence we’ll get back to this stage. Moving onto the third and final stage of Area 22, Dignitas pushed in quickly on the transition stage of 20ID’s defence and had an opening, however not enough of one to make a definitive push and 20ID recovered. Nothing new? Barrier to Bank stage transition on Goldrush is exactly the same, you’ve got a good chance whilst the Axis are transitioning.

After that transition Dignitas had a real problem getting into the slipgate core and finishing the job. They were grenaded, mined and more importantly out crossfired by their American opponents. It was a real slog from dignitas, they were attacking in 2’s and 3’s and because they were Strogg, reviving took so much longer that in general they didn’t bother. The clock was ticking and the match seemed destined for a full hold when Dignitas broke through and got a plant, right as SonDac had pushed the tank into position to cover. Right on que, the dignitas offensive line broke and the GDF were defusing only for SonDac to take down five with the desecrator from range. They set a time of 19:40 which in any match is absolutely horrible.

On their defence however, Dignitas suddenly found that the 20ID team who looked resolute and built on teamwork were actually just faking and really were…awful. 20ID took the generator stage relatively quickly, but that was to be it from them, they weren’t going to complete the second and easiest objective on the map. Why? Well I could create a list a page long and in the shoutcast I certainly rambled on about how dire their attack was. However to articulate what went on, I decided I would ask Dignitas some simple questions, What went well and what should 20ID have done;

Quote by ReloadThey kept rushing in with the icarus and we just kept killing them in the air. The tank kept the tank clear with the splashdamage, from the hill. He just kept shooting down and the splashdamage kept the laser clear. They should have worked all together to get the objective done, simply coming 1on1.

Quote by SonDacIt was all about keeping the tank alive, Bjorn did a good job spamming with the helli and it was all about the vehicles and our infantry stayed close to the mining laser so that whenever they got close we pushed them back. 20ID should have taken the heli down, kill the tank and then move in together.

They both said the same thing and it wasn’t their medics nor their field ops that won the game, it was the tank. The biggest complaint of the hardcore community was that vehicles would destroy the class system and with the tank on the hill, the class system was useless. At least because 20ID had no comprehension of the new dimension to the class system which was the vehicles and through manipulation of that class they were…outclassed.

The Dignitas quotes also highlighted that 20ID weren’t a team and this was very very true, so their defeat wasn’t just down to the fact that they had no control over the vehicles and they couldn’t attack as a unit, however…the side that controlled the vehicles won and the with the ET experience lost, badly.

Now lets also throw in at this point that 20ID are under prepared for this event in comparison to how much teams usually prepare for the event, and that I don’t think this is a fair representation of how the ET approach works in this game, but the point remains Dignitas out Quakewar’d them.

Team HOT took on Dignitas in the winner bracket final and it was here where we would see two top battlefield approaches to the game collide. HOT who have been active for quite some team, and Dignitas who at least four of them have been together equally for some time. Who would prevail?

It took literally 5 seconds to realise that Dignitas had a plan for this map, SonDac spawned back collected the desecrator and sat on the top of the hill shooting down to the construction point. Quite how HOT got the construction of the bridge done, I’ve no idea but they pushed through. However on the other side of the tunnel another Dignitas strat was waiting for them.

The MCP edged its way out of the tunnel and as soon as it was far enough away from the tunnel it was isolated by the tanks, hogs and panzers. The strat worked well, it held back HOT for the most amount of time of any of the stages, that fact was the eventual undoing of Dignitas. After HOT got through they hacked the shield generator without too much difficulty, they were able to get into the contamination area and were only held back at all by Reload’s trademark multi kills, slaying down multiple waves of Americans before finally buckling.

HOT did pretty much everything the same….only better, much better. They stopped dignitas at the shield generator stage and won the map there. Dignitas were out battlefielded, there was little room for the ET talents of Reload and Jak to shine. Vehicle usage and deployment was crucial here. Playing 20ID style would have been massacred.

Onto Area22 and Dignitas were to lose their home map, they were full held by Team HOT who played the game exactly the same way we’ve seen Dignitas play it against 20ID and other teams. The problem was that when Dignitas got onto the final objective of the map and threw all their eggs into the basket of planting the objective and like lemmings could only handle one thing at a time. Covering the plant, or covering the guy planting was beyond them. HOT mopped them up and full held.

The final stage, the inside stage on both maps did allow for Reload and Jak to show exactly what they’re capable of and it made the difference to the clock. Reload took down some 3 players a few times on the contamination defence, Jak mauled four players to clear the plant on the slip gate core.

When the vehicles are gone, the ET players shine through but 20ID have proven that without the vehicles or at least good management of the vehicles, victory is impossible.