Well i spent another night in front of my computer, messing around with the great ET:QW engine. After having a great, and very useful discussion in vent tonight I decided to start to fully concentrate on ET:QW.

Yesterday we had another two ET Movie releases from pretty well known players. Both movies were done by webartsdesign and the names of the fraggers were promising as hell. So i clicked on the first, called aCoZz the movie. My first thought was: OMG very nice, i saw some of his demos while doing Zaigon and i knew that i will see great frags in a few minutes. BUT then I saw the filesize. 500 megs for a not even 10 minutes long movie oO well of course its the broadband age sure, but why does this movie still look like its been encoded in 10 minutes without even one quality test? This brings me right over to the next thing I'm really bored of.

Quality Tests, Oh yes we got like 100 of them in the last 2 months, everybody was "loling" how bad it is, or hurray'ing how freaking nice they do look like. But come on, why do the players, which DO deserve way better movies, wont get any of this "unknown" moviemakers, instead of taking a random guy who maybe did one little clip or something like that. What I want to say with that: I don't understand why these fraggers, with nice frags always try to get someone for his movie, who is really not capable enough for doing it. We got ruipperri doing beta movie, at least for the first 2 months, all we he finished was a 1 minute short editing part which didn't look too bad tbh. BUT what now? We get whine from pumu that ruiperri is not able to work on it. And ofc it ends like it always ends with these kinda projects: -Max- can you maybe, or hannes, maybe you got time. The exact same situation was with the zP! movie. One evening gifty wrote a pm to me that the guys who were doing the movie (those were ruipperi and EVA (maybe ag0n)) suddenly don't have time / motivation doing it. That was before the ruiperri / beta thing! So there is one question that i don't have an answer for. Why do fraggers and teams ask those guys again. And no! this is no pro uv column or something like it,its just something I never understood or will ever understand.

I remember exactly when this boom in moviemaking started. It was shortly after decimated got released to publicity. And yes, there were indeed very very nice movies. I'm talking about R3 trailer, RGB, decimated and movies like that. Event though decimated was boring in some parts, it still stood up the hype(NO NOT KAMZ) and got downloaded many 1000 times. R3, an award winning camtrace movie, RGB, well one of the greatest flicks I had the opportunity to watch. And guess what, all those movies were done in more than half a year. But what came after those nice movies? Looooong time nothing, at least in my opinion. Yes i should mention the fragarea trilogy but I personally don't like them. They just cant stand the ingame quality of the movies i mentioned before. Editing and 3D work like those movies were great and well done by quaky. But sad to see that he didn't spend too much time into the cfg part. Next movies are ofc the nonix movies. Well I always call them comic movies because they are over edited, but yet very enjoyable to watch. The latest good movie was Zaigon which is maybe the fastest and most downloaded Fragmovie in that short period of time (at least since I'm doing movies).

So what! We got Smireboule, Wolfshorst, Ultraviolet, nonix and quaky? Where the hell are the other moviemakers with their movies? I maybe should mention vaggi here, guess he's the only moviemaker who made people watch his movies wearing sunglasses, sad but true he never had success in finishing one decent movie since the beginning. How many movies did you make by now? 10? why don't you improve? Same with agon. Since ages he's asking holes into -Max- and myself, but more than quality tests and endless journals about RTCW weapons and models I wasn't able to see from him. Agon, instead of googling every cvar in ET, just try to start editing and focus on that. But the funny thing then is: After telling them the real opinion about their clips, or whenever you are not answering questions like: Give me your encode settings, why is Heroine / Zaigon cfg so nice and mine so shit. They don't even care about what you have done for them in the past. After joining uv and publishing first screens of Zaigon, i got like 100 qrys from agon and ruipp usw asking for cvar help. I was very patient those times, answered their questions. Nowadays I do have to ignore those ppl cause they are registering on myhannes.info with my name and the email address of ag0n. asking him what the hell he was thinking about, i just got the reply that he never did it. Bleh boring... Or having other people faking me on irc and asking other moviemakers really dumb questions like: how do i resize a movie :)) .... whine cut :( ....

I've heard and saw some samples from demise vs idle movie (was it called like that?), will we see a release on that movie? Don't get me wrong, I'm really looking forward to those movies, so please keep me up to date.

And dear moviemaker: You don't have to finish a movie in like 2 weeks or 2 months <3

BUT ofc there is also a promising side in moviemaking:
Bitmap.se - doing nice little helper tools
Gaso - had some nice conversations / discussions with u!
Smireboule - camtrace and uv-moviemaker <3
Wolfshorst - RGB and uv-moviemaker <3
-Max- - ofc I love him!
-> i bet i forgot someone here!

So that was the stuff I'd always wanted to ask and say about the movies in ET. I hope i will get some serious information, feel free to whine, but keep an eye on the facts.

PS: everybody who i mentioned in that column feels that what i said is wrong, get over it, its my very own opinion, its based on facts and memories.

PPS: Dear ET Player, if you want a movie, be sure to ask the not that well known guys also.

Moviemakers: Quakewars moviemaking will be such a revolution!
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Have a nice day


Major point of this journal! Dont do Test! Do movies!