This is not the cry of an aging women who has just been replaced by a young blonde, but more the observation that the game which hasn’t moved from its position in the top five FPS games in four years could have been a big money earner for ID Software and SplashDamage.
Quakewars (the young and very attractive blonde) is coming, the pledge for long lasting support and updates are refreshing to hear. ET didnt get such love and attention as this old gal wasnt making any money, however the point of this column is, it could have done!

When you load ET you see the counter of times people have connected to ET. I've no clue on its legitimacy however moments ago it was at 1,056,215,739 - ET has been loaded over a billion times! Now that period when you see the counter and the map loads is around 20/30 seconds and with some creative coding I'm sure you could fix that period. Why would you do it? Advertising!

The year is 2003 and ET is about to be released as a free online multiplayer game. I am John Carmack and I am flying to Intel to say, "Please give me fifty million dollars over five years and you can put some innovative advert on the loading of ET for 30 seconds each load". Those 30 seconds could be updated by the master server or whichever place brings the counter.

Lets say this happened, the world would be a different place! The Q3 Source may never have been released and the game might have regular support. Punkbuster would be paid to update and kill off the cheats and it would be in peoples interest to keep people playing ET as money depended on it. One billion adverts served is a pretty big reason to keep your gaming being played!

However it raises the broader question, something like this might fly in ET because its free but would it fly in Quakewars...Quake 3? RTCW? If you told me all I had to do was put up with some more adverts to keep RTCW and Quake 3 updated then over so long I'd have yes please! Quakewars? Well, there will come a point when Activision think, "we've sold all the copies we're going to sell". When that point comes support for the game stops, no more patches, maps, anti cheat support and then advertising for a game you paid for dosent seem to bad.

The concept has already begun in CounterStrike, advertising is there in game the problem valve are having is that they actually aren’t selling the adverts. However CS is comparable to ET in the fact it was a free multiplayer game and valve don’t make much money off it either. There are no more updates coming from them for the game, they want people to buy CS:Source.

Is ingame/loading screen advertising a concept you'd happily accept if it meant for longer lasting support for the games you love?