These past couple days we’ve seen a few people come up with frank summations of the games future along with degrees of disgust at the way things are going. The war against cheaters within ET has been lost in many peoples opinion and that has caused many amongst the community to look for an alternative.

A couple of ideas complimented eachother quite well. Charge people to enter the league and then only allow people who have been clean for a defined period to play. That idea to me, is the most logical outside of an effective anti-cheat, but will it make any difference to the opinion that the game is on its last legs?

First of all, I’m personally not satisfied that the game actually is on its last legs. Open Cup signups are the gauge I use for a games activity and last time out they weren’t that bad. Add on top the fact that Quakewars wont be out in time for the next season, and throw on the fact that 24 teams will go to CDC, an increase of 8 from last time out.

However looking at pay-per-play league format as either a saviour or evolution of gameplay is an idea that needs careful evaluation, its a concept that I’m still undecided whether it would work or not, or whether its actuallya good idea.

First of all you’re all going to have to face the fact that after CDC3, Dignitas, TLR & Kreaturen at a minimum are likely to fold. So if you judge a game by the star status of its top teams and would be appalled to see team rbnt (no offence) win Eurocup then you’d better start packing your bags. There is going to be a large player rotation after CDC, and new names will rule the roost.

However does a tournament that charges 10,15,20 euros per player to enter still have an appeal for anyone? For starters it would put up a prize purse, so that’s an enticing factor. 20 Euros a player per season would, with a roster of 6 and 16 teams would generate around 2000 Euros. If you were to run a staggered system like Clanbase, you might funnel some prize money from the bottom leagues towards the top to enforce competitive play at the pinnacle of your league.
Re-calculating on that mindset, and assuming you could at least find 60 teams willing to pay the entry fee, you might offer 3500, 1500, 1000 for first division, second and third.

That is one enticing factor to join any new league, as online prizepurses go, they are extremely competitive, even in comparison to Counter Strike. However you’d need more of a reason for people to enter than just providing a prizepot for the top teams to make people pay, and that reason comes with a league free from cheaters.

However coming up with a mentality that excludes people isn’t easy. For example, take perfo – How do you run a league that deals with his type of case? He burst onto the scene, many people thought he hacked, then he went to LAN and people stopped thinking he hacked, then he got banned and people were left unsure whether he did or didn’t, despite having a cheat ban. If you pay for a league someone would have to make a cut throat decision early on.

If you get that decision wrong and a clean player gets denied to play, you’ve just hurt your game and your leagues future. If you get that decision wrong and a cheater gets to play in league, you kill the prospect that people come back to your league. If you get it wrong and a cheater gets busted mid-season, then you haven’t done your job and maybe people could even ask for a refund. Do you see the dilemma and the pressure? Such a pressure might I add that you’d also have to pay your admins to take.

Then you’d have to come up with a format to decide on who can play. Saying that someone must have played six months, twelve months, or previous seasons isn’t enough. Perfo played some seasons before getting banned. Considering that the anticheat is ineffective, you would actually have to have a panel that reviews demos and says ‘this player is too good’. Perhaps that’s a touch simplified, the system would have to judge progress over a period, or a particular demo.

However this system would have banned torspo, perfo and most controversially, mAus long ago.

I’m pretty sure that in some way you could convince the top teams that its a good idea, however does it matter to the open cup teams? Is money capable of saving ET? Are you willing to let mob rule make cheating decisions and hysteria see clean players banned?