Dinner For One - The 90th Birthday

Enemy Territory this year is a little bit like James. All legends seem to have left the game and those who are left are trying to replace them, but just as James trying to drink as much as the guests would have done the weight of the past lies heavy on the shoulders of those who are still active and is slowly but steadily dragging them down. James has trouble seeing the tiger on the floor and many seem to fear that Enemy Territory might stumble and fall down, never to rise again.

That's what it is like this year, but that's also what it was like last year. Actually that is what it is like every year. Every year there is concern that the game in the year to come will be nothing like the game in the year that just passed, and who would have guessed, it is true! Times change and have always changed and what Enemy Territory has never been and will never be one of the big players in esports but let's face it, did we really expect that? A very healthy series of events has been launched with the Crossfire Challenges, it has brought players together from all over Europe and even though Quakecon featured another game this year, everyone had their chance to perform on a LAN event, to meet and greet and to have a good time in Enschede.

There is nothing wrong with a niche. Stats are being posted to show that the game is not dead but it will never be as long as people play. This year's EuroCup was said to be bad but it featured one of the most exciting finals since u96d beat parodia. Money was never an issue and the community has rejected projects like the ESL Major Series, so don't be a hypocrite and stick with what ET has always been, a fun shooter that is free of charge.

Yes, there might be cheaters, and 2008 will be starting with a big bust just like 2007 did, but with events like CDC 4 around the corner they won't get the recognition they expected to get off their $100 bots.

In the end, it is not a fight about which game prevails. If you like Enemy Territory, go play it, if you want ETQW, be my guest, and if Call Of Duty 4 floats your boat, you're more than welcome to play that. You might consider playing CoD4 if you're in it for the money, but if it is the pleasure of playing that keeps you attracted to ET, go for it. Arguing on Crossfire will not change anything. If legends have left, new players will rise to the challenge. If teams abandon, new rosters will shine. In the end what matters is that you enjoy what you do.