Quote by EMSSadly, we have to announce that the British team Four-Kings will no longer be able to participate in the ESL Major Series Season I. Due to many penalties for several rule violations, the team has broken the limit of 10 minor penalties and has to leave the tournament today. The Consolation Final will now be played between Team SPEED-LINK and Epsilon.Kompaniet.
The ESL Major Series with a prize money of 2000 € is the collection of Pro Leagues situated right below the ESL Pro Series and Masters path. In view of this situation, we expected all teams to act in a more professional way. Although Four-Kings made not a big mistake, the amount of several smaller rule violations like four missing match statements are the reason why the British powerhouse has now 10 minor penalties. After already being in focus last week due to a rule violation about the teams' nationalitiy in the match against Team SPEED-LINK, they received today another minor penalty for not uploading all needed screenshots at the same match.

"What is this blasphemy!?" i hear you roar! Do not fear, for i feel your pain! The G7 team, renowned for international stardom in scenes like CSS, WC3, and even our beloved RTCW, made a bold move forming the foundations of an academy on 29th November 2007 - and where did such an impulsive, abitrary decision by the british giants lead the MGC to - glory or disaster?

"Do tell me more hentai!" i hear you roar! Do not fear, for i shall! Well, my friends, both glory and disaster are at hand. The international team, lead by beloved United Kingdom nkm has been showing a steady uprise in the scene, topping other adversaries such as Finland pelit, Sweden Kompaniet (now Epsilon) & Germany Speed-Link, coming second only to Europe Dignitas. Coming second in ClanBase Opencup and on their way to Enemy Down X-League LAN finals, one can only say that the team is doing pretty damn well! After some great performances in ESL's grand, grand tournament one would predict the gaming royalty were destined for glory! Though it seems the team did not achieve glory, but rather disaster!

"Disaster you say? What divine power could bring calamity upon gaming royalty?!" i hear you roar! Do not fear, for i shall divulge! ESL today announced the removal of United Kingdom Four Kings from the league bringing about gargantuan controversy. Well, as the quote from ESL's administration shows, the team was removed for a collection of 10 minor penalty points. As i'm sure you're just dying to know, here are the list of reasons why the team was removed:

15.02.08 Minor Penalty (2.9.2 - Nationality)
10.02.08 Minor Penalty (2.16 - statement too late)
22.12.07 Minor Penalty (2.16 - missing statement) [x3]
11.12.07 Minor Penalty Missing screenshot
11.12.07 Minor Penalty (2.10.2 - missing player photos)
11.12.07 Minor Penalty (2.9.3 - missing Premium accounts) [x2]

"My oh my! What did Four Kings have to say about this? Such treachery is despicable!" i hear you roar! Do not fear, for United Kingdom nkm will tell the tale!

Quote by nkmESL major series has been a joke for us. We consistently had problems from admins trying to give us 'penalty points' for rules we did not break, and shown shameless bias compared to other teams. One of the admins always seems to be trying to get us kicked from the league every other day for the past couple of weeks for breaking various rules, which after justifying how we did not break them, he simply stops replying and then the same thing happens a couple of days later and we get the points regardless.
There was the issue of a nationality rule that was claimed we broke, by having more than 60% UK players. However, as we explained to them we qualified as an EU team, in the EU qualifier pool, and so were told we qualified as an EU team, but we got the points anyway.
Both we and Kompaniet were going into the finals with 9 penalty points each - get 10 and you get kicked. We got kicked for not uploading a PB GUID screenshot after our game vs SpeedLink (no other team bar Speed Link has uploaded a single pb guid screenshot in the whole of EMS). The admin had asked for it previously, we told them we didn’t have it, and neither did SL, the admin seemed fine with it. Then it was brought up a few days later for no apparent reason, probably getting pressured again by whomever to get us removed once again. We were told that if we did not upload a PB GUID screenshot by 18cet we would get kicked. After speaking to the admin, he simply went afk after realising that no other team has uploaded them and neither had kompaniet. We then got the penalty points and got kicked, and the admin went offline immediately. Once again the rules not applying to other teams, just us.
I expect we could have got a default win vs SL given that they broke the in game rules regarding deployable etc, but we didn't as we're not like that. We didn’t expect to get to the finals since about 2-3 match weeks ago when it was apparent to us that ESL did not want us progressing through the league. It sounds a bit odd, but the amount of shameless corruption and bias shown by one of the admins was pretty unlike things we have to put up with in any other league.
It’s a shame ESL can’t just let teams play rather than giving penalty points for example for not having screenshots for a match that didn't happen, having ‘.etqw’ in your team name, or having your nationality's change as an EU team. The irony is it's the only league we have to pay to play in!

So with 4K receiving penalty points for doing what an admin has told them, bias between teams, and a byzantine ruleset from the crack of mordor, what will EMS do next?

I expect the EMS final will be SpeedLink vs SpeedLink. And I wish them good luck.

*after update* --> http://www.esl.eu/eu/ems/news/51690/?killcache=true