Power of community? what is it? I've seen power of this community twice. First, when we send our team on quakecon. Gnajda case is second time.

I say it simply. ET is not dying. Its impossible to kill game with such enormous fan support. However, we are going to end our game by our hands. Just look what we can do: force clanbase to ban a player. We're breaking one of most important features of nowdays courts and judgment system. Independence of judges is holy. Still we broke that law. I'm not saying that gnajda is clean, maybe he isnt. But maybe he is. And what if he is clean? We punished innocent person. Just think what if mAus appered now, not some time ago. Great player, great aimer. But he would be banned, because of our fault. Because we would force clanbase to ban him! Its normal that, when new bright star of gaming appers, the old crew think: he must be cheating, it impossible to play at such level, with so little experience. But its possible. Now lets go back to gnajda. Ok he is banned. We all laught from his "I wont go to lan, my girfriend forbids it". but this ban is stealing chance for him to prove his innocence. Clanbase banned players cant attend cdc. And nowdays not many western players respect polish lans. Look at naga, player that was accused even by polish players. But he played at 2 lans. And twice he played at really good level. Dont give me this shit: "there are no decent teams in poland" because its not true. We got 3-4 teams at OC premier, EC skill. In my opinion its enough to became lanproofed. Especialy in situation like in this EC, when only few teams can compete at same skill level.

If we are talking about teams,im wondering on one little thing. Why FF got kicked out of EC? Im rather newschool player, and i remember only 2 eurocups with cheating problem. Firstly there is razz and team helix. We all know razz sad story. And we all know how it ended for his clan. They got expeled from tournament. AND after some time and another cheating problem, Clanbase admited that their decision was wrong, and helix should should be not punished.

Second case I remember is story of public cheat. Yes perfo keran and shy recived bans for cheating on public server. Whatevah. Important in this case is fact that teams they have played in were not removed from EC. Its the time when cb admited that helix should stay in ec. So now we have third case of cheating in Eurocup. And again Clanbase changes their minds, and Fear Factory is expeled. Something is not right or I am stupid polish fag. BUT lets assume that FF was kicked rightly. In that case why Team Coolermasters is not given a chance to play against overload? Gnajda played also against them. I see no logic here.

Think about it before you will write any replys.

UPDATE: I see many of you missed my point. This column was made not to defend gnajda, but to show you guys force of this community which may lead to bans for clean players.

I also wanted to know why TCM ere not given a chance to play against ovr.