The last (true) RTCW eurocup, season 8 finished with arguably the greatest season it ever had. The final concluded in true dramatic style with MYSOD winning a 3-3 thriller because Kreaturen had to go to bed had a jammed packed season filled with star names and end to end action. Roll the clock forward a few years and you reach this Eurocup season and well, none of the above could be used to describe it.

The grand final of the Eurocup was first on tuesday, then it was on sunday now its on thursday and it just sums up what has been a season that nobody really has cared about. The gandja cheater story sums up how little people cared about this season, a team of med+ players making it to the eurocup final because for some of them they cared a great deal making up for their lack of ability and for others well their ability just wasnt real. Is this how you realy want it all to end?

I'm not saying that ET is over, but you have to empathise with the idea that online competition in the game is dieing a death. This isnt helped by the fact that Clanbase both in ET and as a whole really are losing their grip. Coverage for this season has been dire, the coverage supervisor is Stealth, well as the owner of the biggest coverage site in ET and person who's shoutcasted more matches in ET than anyone else I can safely say I've not got a clue who Stealth is.

Roll back the clock to December and Drago was flying panzer shots that were journal defying in their excitement and you had a Eurocup season that really would have been going out on a high. Regardless of the outcome of MPG vs Impact, its a crying shame that this season ever came to be.