[img http://5pics.de/pic/m91723.jpg[/img]]
name: oliver tha dude "k1tT" aka oldskool player terror
age: more death then alive
nick: k1tT ; nubji ; jim beam ; b1tchji and many many more :)
skill: around low, when im drunk about high+
games: ET ; RTCW ; COD2
penis size: around high+
[img http://5pics.de/pic/m93560.jpg[/img]]
Deutsche Wölfe Clan [RTCW]
Tigers Claw Germany [ET]
Artrox Gaming [ET]
Impala [ET]
Tigers Claw Germany [ET]
Gloomy E-Sports [ET]
Lost Soldiers [ET]
[img http://5pics.de/pic/m16839.jpg[/img]]
e-mail: [email protected] << no spam plz
icq: number will follow
x-fire: nope
[img http://5pics.de/pic/m34702.jpg[/img]]
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Quote Quote: da sach ich nur: handbetrieb ;-)
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lolz again:
Nellie has just deleted a comment you made on this news article.
Quote statement from pansemuckel:
Unteachable Crossfire
After years of beating PB successfuly and infiltrating leagues, still a few refuse to accept the truth. Crossfire has always been their place to meet. Call them dreamer, idiot, or simply fanatic-anticheat.
I hope reading the following article makes you laugh too
Crossfire 3.0 - A Gaming Community - powered by Game-Hosting.com
netCoders is looking forward to checkout ET-ACE as soon as possible. We already got our hands on Anti3 (too bad that non-cheaters do leak aswell) and its too easy to bypass. Even bani (ETPRO coder) considered their anti-cheat effort as too weak to be implemented to ETPRO. Apparently there is some sort of cooperation, but is scared of these people anyhow.
to eliminate the cheaters once and for all take my word for this, we will finally triumph upon these kids and no longer will cheaters say they will always win.
May I quote you on that, killerkid?
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