After some thorough observations and intense studies, I've found out that this disease is everywhere, from little forms to big forms.
At first I thought that the disease was quite rare and only found in a few people, like say one in a million, but after my research I've found out the rate of infection is far worse, even though for some it may only be temporary.
The strange thing is, that with one specific user this disease didn't go away, for 4 years and 14 days this creature had tourettes but not in the form of cursing, like most other people have but would be in the case of saying such lines as; "Get a life" and "I am worried about your health". It was quite unexpected.
I delved into the history of his life and it emerged he is a total no-lifer who spends day and night on this website banning people and handing out the infamous "warning points", I feel kinda sorry for this person but I just let him be and try not to bother him in the way he prefers to spend his day because a lot of famous murderers,psychotics and other freaky people have turned insane after others prevented them from living in their tiny little world.
There have been occasions where I have see this happen by another user called Loekino, the way this tourettes fueled person behaves is quite immature and childish but I think this is just a small thing. I don't want to know what would happen if it was a more serious situation as most likely total chaos and mayhem would be the end result.
Most of the frustrations here are due to the over-moderation by admins who have no clue of what they are doing, at least it seems like it from what I see done here every day. Things getting removed that are actually quite funny, even though they may be just single links or a question from a new member, it will get removed since the admins are so paranoid that it is actually someone posting behind a proxy.
Comments in other languages get removed, fair enough, I can agree if the post is in a journal that is solely compromised of English comments, and the new reply is in dutch, but what if this comment is actually helpful and is only in dutch due to the user not being able to find the right English word? Or sometimes there is a random comment in their own language and it gets removed, really I don't think anyone cares much about those sorts of comments in their own languages and even it becomes a sort of chain, still no one would really mind.
So the conclusion is, dont try and block/prevent/annoy the members with their own ways of using the site, how sad they are, how annoying, how ironic how whatever, it ends up where if you have the wrong person reading your comment with "rights", then you are going to be punished even though you were in the right.
If everyone on this site acted like this, then it could end up as a top notch community and that is not a lie, its true, just think about it.
Although I doubt the admins will let this column stay due to my criticisms against them.
The quote I would like to add is one that I found on an obscure forum;
Dave Marzino - 2008 (edited from eNgrlisgh to Engrish by fusen)
At first I thought that the disease was quite rare and only found in a few people, like say one in a million, but after my research I've found out the rate of infection is far worse, even though for some it may only be temporary.
The strange thing is, that with one specific user this disease didn't go away, for 4 years and 14 days this creature had tourettes but not in the form of cursing, like most other people have but would be in the case of saying such lines as; "Get a life" and "I am worried about your health". It was quite unexpected.
I delved into the history of his life and it emerged he is a total no-lifer who spends day and night on this website banning people and handing out the infamous "warning points", I feel kinda sorry for this person but I just let him be and try not to bother him in the way he prefers to spend his day because a lot of famous murderers,psychotics and other freaky people have turned insane after others prevented them from living in their tiny little world.
There have been occasions where I have see this happen by another user called Loekino, the way this tourettes fueled person behaves is quite immature and childish but I think this is just a small thing. I don't want to know what would happen if it was a more serious situation as most likely total chaos and mayhem would be the end result.
Most of the frustrations here are due to the over-moderation by admins who have no clue of what they are doing, at least it seems like it from what I see done here every day. Things getting removed that are actually quite funny, even though they may be just single links or a question from a new member, it will get removed since the admins are so paranoid that it is actually someone posting behind a proxy.
Comments in other languages get removed, fair enough, I can agree if the post is in a journal that is solely compromised of English comments, and the new reply is in dutch, but what if this comment is actually helpful and is only in dutch due to the user not being able to find the right English word? Or sometimes there is a random comment in their own language and it gets removed, really I don't think anyone cares much about those sorts of comments in their own languages and even it becomes a sort of chain, still no one would really mind.
So the conclusion is, dont try and block/prevent/annoy the members with their own ways of using the site, how sad they are, how annoying, how ironic how whatever, it ends up where if you have the wrong person reading your comment with "rights", then you are going to be punished even though you were in the right.
If everyone on this site acted like this, then it could end up as a top notch community and that is not a lie, its true, just think about it.
Although I doubt the admins will let this column stay due to my criticisms against them.
The quote I would like to add is one that I found on an obscure forum;
Dave Marzino - 2008 (edited from eNgrlisgh to Engrish by fusen)
so fucking true + 21990
sad kid, everyone should write columns about how he got abused when he was a child
if i was to delete this it'd be because it's REALLY badly written, babelfish works best when you only put the text through it once, not seven times -_-
the uber crazy admins are ruining crossfire imo
As I said before, this community looks more like a tribal society than a gaming community. It seems swearing at each other is more important than getting along and just playing the goddamn game.
Well most people here don't know the meaning of a journal, just delete all these journals which belong in the forums. Now 9/10 journals are not about experiences and observations. So go and delete delete delete pl0x.
And it's is funny to see people posting "journal" when somebody is posting smth that is not about cheaters or recruitment in the forums.
All admins are doing a shit job IMO (before you start giving warning points for raging admins, it's my opinion) and most of them are breaking rules themselves and also don't know what a journal is.
just delete those youtube journals with the reason "forums pls" and then remove them at forums with the reason "wrong forum" :D
and let fusen create a general forum which isn't showed in the box of forum topic for those retards
It for telling what ur doing and what you did etc, and which problems you encountered. Not for telling others to watch a youtube vid.
Or liek this journal: deffinetley belongs on the Technology forum.
Ow I see we've a off-topic forum already, all youtube shit etc should be posted there imo! and let fusen code smth that those topics aren't listed in the forum box. ezbash and that way it's also easier for admins liek sol who likes to delete everything.
Off Topic
General Nonsense
thats what it says.
Keep seeing 'n I be unsure why - when has any admin given bans / points for one criticizing the admins? o0
n sol aint that bad, Spiers puts it elegantly... "Well, maybe that's because Tertius knew there was some value to the men thinking he was the meanest, toughest son of a bitch in the whole Roman Legion."
well I only got 1 reply removed by ronner and one warning from ronner nothing more, so I don't have to be scared :D
but from what I see/hear sol is the one overusing his admin powers.
who is zhe evil admin deleting random stuffies???
Your statements are not very clear. I'm not even sure if you're defending loekino or offending him. In case it's the secondary, then the entire column hardly makes any sense. Since you basically state that loekino is a stupid spammer, but on the other hand support not usefull comments aka spam. But maybe you ment something else... (judging from the picture viewed on the HOME site, maybe you didn't offend loekino)
I guess you used this "tourette" as some kind of rhetorical device. Sadly enough, it doesn't fit into the context at all. As far as I know tourette is this psycological disease which causes ticks. Give it a thought, isn't it really childish to insult or compare an admin with a tick-handicaped person? Seriously...
Actually I could have mentioned a lot more things, but I just wanted to point out some of them.
and friends of them don't get warning points
and most admins break the rules also
but I realy don't get why Sol is still a admin.
You can't delegate a right in the same way you can't delegate a mass to fall, it just does qua itself.
But I'd agree, nothing on the internet is a right,;although there could be some argument made for an extension of free speech, even that would be tentative.
If you wanted to question it you'd look at suicidal people or ask why animals don't have the same rights, but those are equally explanable.
You seriously don't believe there's a difference between a right and a priviledge? Because that's essentially what you're saying: that your right to live could be decided away by society and that would be OK.
Of course, coming from the western democratic world and all that I'm for free speech and don't believe anyone should be abused or mistreated in life but I wouldn't go as far to say there is an inalienable right as I don't believe we are here for a purpose.
Using the idea of animal's rights, my view is that we are no different to them except we've progressed a whole lot further which is where the idea of the society comes into play deciding what we today count as 'rights'
for me it basically always comes down to the idea, if you stick two kids on an island and don't let them have any interference, just let them grow up in the natural environment and then see what rights they give each other. I'm pretty sure if either got in the way of the others survival,l their right to live with disappear pretty quick.
Two children on an island will probably starve to death long before they get to breach each others rights, but your example is fallicious in that we do not live on a desolate island, we live in a society, with all the opportunities and rights that go with it.
Rights exist because we have evolved an understanding of our own worth. I guess you're searching for some objective source, and that I'll never be able to convince you that rights should be or are inalienable because, when we drill down far enough, we'll find it always comes down to a human being declaring something.
To say we have some sort of self worth is in my mind implying we are here for a reason or that we are somehow special.
I'm just following evolution and we are simply higher up in development than the rest of the animals that live on Earth. I've no doubt that there is life out in space that is most likely more developed considering how long it's taken us to turn into what we are today.
I'm also not saying that is it "okay to act like animals" as I've already said, in our society it is definitely not okay to act like that. We've progressed into the state of caring for our fellow man but to say that is some sort of inalienable right, I just don't agree with.
all the "traits that we strive to develop" have been set about by the society we have created and refined through the centuries, all I believe is that without the surroundings of a society that teaches us these things then they wouldn't be evident in how we lived our lives.
Obviously we differ and I'm not trying to get into an argument as there is no true known answer we can fall back on (just incase this suddenly turns into angry rants back and forth) :P
Being strictly darwinian in your approach to living takes too much away from the beauty of being human.
And being strictly Darwinian with regards to the origin of life doesn't mean you have to take away anything from the way you currently live or act.
Saying we are just further developed animals doesn't suddenly mean you can't enjoy the things that only humans seem to be able to fully understand or analyse.
Do you use an RSS client reader that is apart of your browser or a seperate program?
I constantly see you in the online list under reading an RSS feed and just wondered if it was a bug with reporting locations
And about the fact that we aren't only animals... I agree with Fusen on this point. Society can only survive only through means of punishment (any animal knows what that means) and education. If the society trains me to act in a certain way and to respect certain principles and I brake these... rules I get punished. The worst punishement you may consider is probably death, but what about exclusion? We are social animals (I think you also said it) and the exclusion is against our instincts. So we are forced somehow to take part to this sharade and learn since babies how to act so we can survive.
Sorry about may engrish skillz... probably you didn't understand much about what I said :P.
I thank the admins for cutting the amount of crap I've to swarm through to get to any decent and worthwhile content, where's numerous idiots like dAvez0r complain that they're not allowed to break the rules and indulge their own stupidity. What a horrid world we live in.
If you want to alienate your users and kill a website, draconian rules are the way to do it. The fact is, someone has a complaint, and you dismiss it out of hand under the previously mentioned fallacy: this is a dangerous precedent.
Going back to your other point, since websites are dependent on their users that means they should cater for them, it's a fallacy. Actively catering for the lowest common denominator is bad practice, not only because websites already do it as standard, but because the definitions of what's acceptable get pushed further and further for little to no use. This is a service which benefits both parties.
I'll give a ridiculous example. Humans are born with hands, that doesn't give them the right to tell glove designers how to make gloves, they can however choose which gloves they wear.
In summary, if you don't like it on Crossfire then feel free to find other websites to use.
You're essentially telling users that they have absolutely no say on what is acceptable on your website, emphasis on YOUR. That's a great way to win over hearts and minds if I ever saw one. If you want to see why this is a bad policy, go talk to the cpma dev team. A firm hand is necessary, but it should be so firm as to be rigid in the face of criticism. Our way or the high way is not an intelligent way to do anything.
If some users want to have a sandbox to play in, why not give them one? Make a new side module that's completely filterable and an option that you have to enable, let the retards as you call them have their fun. If they ever post their shit on the 'real' website you can delete it, but you give them the option of being able to contribute legitimately. If you find that no one is using the sandbox then you can delete it and try something else, and if in the end alienating the minority is the only option then so be it - But atleast you can say you were the intelligent one.
Administration decisions will always be left to the admins, but that doesn't mean you should ignore your users.
Some cheat and some spam - but most users don't, should we risk driving away the majority of our userbase by tolerating those who do?
As for cheating, that's not something that actually affects the site directly, it's more an attack on the philosophy of a 'gaming community' - The site isn't harmed in any tangible way, but the spirit of it is; it's more a philosohical than logistical problem deciding whether to ban them. Personally I do think cheaters should be banned from the website, and fake account should be actively searched for and deleted: most players fear being exhiled from the community more than they fear being caught cheating, so why not make the two go hand in hand.
In essence, I don't think cheaters and spammers can be compared fairly.
That's not coming from the admin team!:p
The mods be slightly inconsistent, generally fair.
Jeez not listened to this shit in ages, awesome album <3
They might not all like me but at least I don't go around flaming admins to die of aids or burn in a carfire. I think all admins are doing a fine job, there are a few admins though who do their work a little better than the rest although I think Crossfire is moderated like it should be (although I'd like some more banhammers swinging here and there).
The funny part about it all is that the people who are whining about admins usually either don't post anything of which other users can benefit or are just annoying the shit out of everyone on this community site.
I come here to read about gaming, have a chat with other gamers about games/internet-related buSiNeSsZ, not to read the latest news on which cowboy fucked which other cowboy in Brokeback Mountain or which inhabitant of Loekino's Love Island recently talked to a GRRL on the internets. If you want to post pictures/talk German all day long then it isn't really the admin's fault your posts are getting nuked/you are getting warning points.
I wonder what Crossfire would look like with the perfect admins, i.e. the people who criticize the current admins the most. I think it would fall victim to childishness not experienced on any other community site before, complete paranoia about cheaters all day long etc. etc.
I know nobody cares, anyway stop the whine already and search another website to rant about your feelings. Start a blog or something
Admins monitor proxies already, but they should go on the hunt for KNOWN fake accounts...
(Hi Azatej)
A ban on crossfire is worth jack's and that's a weak point :[
It's true that he has had probably the most fake accounts on this website but that's because he has taken a liking to cause 'trouble' and is notorious for being unfriendly to admins. Poor Azatej, there are people that deserve the ban more ;_;
Also, need a LLI-Flag filter.
i nearly raged meez too the other day... but eh.
You guys have no ideas how many swell ideas are bounced in the admin forums/channels but get rejected because someone figures out a way to abuse it. And we know by experience that if something on this site CAN be abused, it will.
I remember back in the days when I was a sweRTCW admin. How come there were much fewer kiddies on that site? We didn't really give users any rights at all. You couldn't contribute anything, you couldn't make an account, there was nothing you could do except post comments. Anything else you had to go through an admin. Maybe that's what Crossfire ought to do. Admin-approve everything.
Say what you want about quality and quantity of the journalistic side of content on sweRTCW, at least the users held a higher standard than on Crossfire.
Only really annoying thing here is that when you have a problem (software, hardware, ...) or a serious question, you dont get anything but spam and flame
But then again if you dont want users to be here, ban everything non related to the games supported here.
I'm just ponting out that users do not just speak about games.
The people who run this side should make up there minds when it comes to content allowed on this site.
When it comes down to THIS site, the users are generating more content then the writers. Saying that this is not the content you want is kinda pointless. As admins you decide what content there is on your site.
If you dont want it, ban it. this wil probably cause the numbers of users drop.
If you allow is please make a sepparete forum of some kind.
ps: " saying your wrong again" and making comparisons between students and users wont make a solution for the obvious irritation your coping with.
I could have sworn this was about viOlence untill I rad further