After some thorough observations and intense studies, I've found out that this disease is everywhere, from little forms to big forms.
At first I thought that the disease was quite rare and only found in a few people, like say one in a million, but after my research I've found out the rate of infection is far worse, even though for some it may only be temporary.

The strange thing is, that with one specific user this disease didn't go away, for 4 years and 14 days this creature had tourettes but not in the form of cursing, like most other people have but would be in the case of saying such lines as; "Get a life" and "I am worried about your health". It was quite unexpected.

I delved into the history of his life and it emerged he is a total no-lifer who spends day and night on this website banning people and handing out the infamous "warning points", I feel kinda sorry for this person but I just let him be and try not to bother him in the way he prefers to spend his day because a lot of famous murderers,psychotics and other freaky people have turned insane after others prevented them from living in their tiny little world.

There have been occasions where I have see this happen by another user called Loekino, the way this tourettes fueled person behaves is quite immature and childish but I think this is just a small thing. I don't want to know what would happen if it was a more serious situation as most likely total chaos and mayhem would be the end result.

Most of the frustrations here are due to the over-moderation by admins who have no clue of what they are doing, at least it seems like it from what I see done here every day. Things getting removed that are actually quite funny, even though they may be just single links or a question from a new member, it will get removed since the admins are so paranoid that it is actually someone posting behind a proxy.

Comments in other languages get removed, fair enough, I can agree if the post is in a journal that is solely compromised of English comments, and the new reply is in dutch, but what if this comment is actually helpful and is only in dutch due to the user not being able to find the right English word? Or sometimes there is a random comment in their own language and it gets removed, really I don't think anyone cares much about those sorts of comments in their own languages and even it becomes a sort of chain, still no one would really mind.

So the conclusion is, dont try and block/prevent/annoy the members with their own ways of using the site, how sad they are, how annoying, how ironic how whatever, it ends up where if you have the wrong person reading your comment with "rights", then you are going to be punished even though you were in the right.
If everyone on this site acted like this, then it could end up as a top notch community and that is not a lie, its true, just think about it.

Although I doubt the admins will let this column stay due to my criticisms against them.

The quote I would like to add is one that I found on an obscure forum;
QuoteDo not feed the troll

Dave Marzino - 2008 (edited from eNgrlisgh to Engrish by fusen)