I need to get this of my chest since it's been bothering me a lot on this website lately.
Now this is not whine directed @ crossfire admins, since they do most of the time keep a certain professional distance between themselves and the general flamer/crossfire user. No this is directed towards the Cup and League Admins.

In the past we've had many many admins in all the diffrent leagues and cups. These admins most of time have to make hard decisions, sometimes considered fair sometimes considered unfair. But usually they do this in such a manner that leaves no room for discussion, it's a decision and that's it. They hardly ever feel the need to justify these decisions and their actions towards their peers. This is a good thing, admins (same as policemen) should never get involved in rock throwing. Seeing everyone has a diffrent view and there will always be disagreement. This is what i call keeping your professional distance.

Nowadays we have a CB admin named Killerboy, i am not questioning his admin abilities. No, i'm questioning his motives and the manner in which he manifests himself in this community. Let's get this straight, i think he does great work for the community and against cheaters, but i just get the feeling it's for the wrong reasons.

Killerboy can't seem to make a 'bust' without throwing in the typical crossfire flame; such as "I told you he cheats, or hahaha killerboy strikes again" and the occasional "gtfo noob". Why do this? Does one really feel the need to make himself look so awesome? To kick someone when he's down? I remember bulld0g posted his busts merely saying: "So and so busted" or "Another one bites the dust". He kept a level head, never needed nor craved all the attention and merely laughed at the flame he got.

Killerboy however; needs to be the center of attention, needs to make himself look superior. "Well ok" you'd say, "So what if he flames the cheater? Cheaters aren't likeable characters anyway!". This is true, the deserve to be pariahs. I agree they don't deserve the light of day, but does this mean another person should boost himself over their backs? And is this person doing this for the community or is this his claim to fame?

"Well so what? Killerboy flames cheaters a bit too excessive this isn't that bad!"
True, so far it isn't that bad, but the following journals and comments inspired me to write this:

Killerboy's journal

In the first URL you can see Killerboy having an extensive flaming match with Meez, hardly something you'd expect of someone who's supposed to somewhat 'above' the community, seeing he's a clanbase admin! This is hardly what i call keeping your professional distance. Ok sometimes even an admin gets annoyed and feels the need to defend himself towards a certain person. Nothing wrong with that, everyone has a bad day. But Killerboy seems to think it's his duty to post pictures on crossfire, to flame every other post he sees. There's hardly a journal on crossfire where he does not have his say, his moment on the center stage...
And then the 2nd URL, "funny journal" you might say; I agree i find the joural quite funny myself, but should this be posted by a Clanbase admin? Is it his right to hang out other peoples dirty laundry for everyone to see? Is he not supposed to be looking out for the players instead of himself and his personal amusement?

Some of you might agree that Killerboy doesn't act as an admin some of you might not.
Fact remains that he's hardly good advertisement for our beloved game, and if it were me i'd certainly not be pulled in to childish nay saying and rock throwing!
For me his behaviour is rather annoying and unprofessional, and it also raises the question if someone this emotional can have an objective judgement when he makes his Admin decisions.....

Thanks for reading :)