A new dawn? The wolfenstein world is having a revival. From EuroCup to the Crossfire Challenge, mamut to TLR, last weeks Don Baker announcement to NationsCup, we appear to have reached a tipping point in positive news.

Nearly two years ago, Estonian nurturer Galahad, then manager of idle.ee wrote a column titled "Quo Vadis Enemy Territory?". The late 2006 early 2007 saw a surge in optimism on Crossfire, but the column was a judicious mix of optimism and pessimism. It concluded with the posing question "what next". Only when ET teams get stable and serious, he wrote, would ET ever reach beyond the sporadic LAN event and gain notoriety.

By late 2007, Galahad's predictions seemed uncomfortably prophetic. Over the following months, instability and inconsistency riled the scene. The few reputable multigaming clans whom picked up ET squads rethought their investments, first Cadre then Dignitas. The draw of potential big bucks in ET:QW threatened to steal the games top talent. Whilst the success of Call of Duty at the Crossfire Challenge events unwittingly destabalised the scene.

That was not all threatening the ET community. The 'fusengate' scandal triggered a spiral of events which near inadvertedly lead to the games downfall. Whether through an influx of cheaters, or mass-hysteria - there became a massive crisis of confidence. This was not to be helped by many high profile busts, nor the inclusion of a cheat busters forum on Crossfire.

The creation of Game-Violations, and ClanBase's zealous monopoly was considered by some at the time as intrinsically bad. Concerns where raised over replacing the established and relatively effective PBBans, with its all-encompassing master ban list. But, barring a few hickups the transition has been relatively seamless. And as any first year business student will pontificate - the free market is a wonderful thing. This new competition has seen a renewed vigour; an eagerness to take onboard community feedback and an overall improvement in anti-cheat support standards. anti3 came and went, taking with it one high profile player - ET-Ace continues its development with lessons learned.

Yet Enemy Territory is resilient. She dusted off the scandals, polished her shoes and nurtured in an under-appreciated Summer season 2008. This lay the groundworks for a prosperous Autumn. Players that'd laid dormant during the Summer season where roused by the news they'd all been waiting for. The Crossfire Challenge was to return - and this time, ClanBase got it right. Offline and online would be joined in shear marital bliss - maximising teams potential stability.

First mamut, then TLR, followed by Vicious and Evil were all in the ascendancy. Polar too, assuming toxic can gabble together a satisfactory six. Teams that had offered so much in the past, names synonymous with the game have all returned. Whilst debate continues to shift from the communities past obsession to a new positive outlook; "who deserves to play EC?" "What should the map list be?" "Should there be a qualifier tournament?"

Enemy Territory has always had an independent streak. A self-sufficient, self-styled and motivated community. Never one to shy away from indulgent self-promotion, yet content to do the mucky work oneself. We may not have the multi-gaming clans, nor has there been another Quakecon, PGA or sHg - but Enemy Territory doesn't need those things. Galahad claimed "If ET were to lose the support of such organisations it would mean that less teams are able to attend LANs, which will mean that the LANs will be less interesting". Thankfully Galahad's prophecies proved less reliable than Palin supporting creationists forecasting the rapture, and yet although ET never acclaimed the heights as an established esports [sic] title people will converge on Enschede regardless, paid through their own pockets. The competition as exciting as ever.

Today is a new day. A feel good factor oft lacking of late has returned. Can the Fall season of 2008 prove to be its best yet, the fourth wave of Wolfenstein? Quo Vadis?