Time for a long needed heaping bowl of truth

This was an article I was originally going to post after reading a colum that has now since been removed. After it was removed I changed my mind about posting this but after the days events with the PunkBuster issues at hand & the seemingly inept Anti Cheat admin that has done nothing but badmouth PunkBuster in an effort to further sway a community down the wrong path, I have decided to post it after all.

First of all if you feel you were wrongfully banned you need to submit a ticket to PunkBuster here http://www.punkbuster.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php?game=et. If the violation is found to be in error it will be removed. The more people who submit a ticket the more it's brought to PB's attention & the faster it will be resolved. Going to PBBans IRC & attacking them will get you no where as it has nothing to do with them. They simply list bans triggered by PunkBuster on servers that use their streaming service.

On to the original post I had written...

The column that has thankfully been removed ... "The cancer that is killing ET" was recently posted & it seems the author gave very little thought to the writing of an article that's intent may have been to speak out against things he felt were killing this game, but he himself was contributing to that demise simply by writing propaganda as defined below.

"Propaganda is neutrally defined as a systematic form of purposeful persuasion that attempts to influence the emotions, attitudes, opinions, and actions of specified target audiences for ideological, political or commercial purposes through the controlled transmission of one-sided messages (which may or may not be factual) via mass and direct media channels.

Below are some reactions to the post that was made & some other issues that stand out to me as being responsible for the gaping bleeding hole in ET that this community needs to plug fast.

The facts...

Wolfenstein Enemy Territory: This game is over 5 years old now. Please point me in the direction of a game now over 5 years old that has the same amount of people playing with the same amount of enthusiasm they did the day they loaded it up on the computer for the 1st time. Why people choose to ignore the simple & obvious fact is truly beyond me. This is simple deductive reasoning.

New Players: One thing I hear a lot of is..."New players are killing this game" & I am completely dumbfounded every time I hear it. Surely you can't be serious? Please make a more oxymoronic statement than that. As with any game people get bored & tired of it & leave on a daily basis, if nobody new replaces them, what happens?

PunkBuster: This constant claim that "PB no longer cares about ET" is ridiculous & anyone with half the sense & ability of a crack addicted paraplegic monkey can take 20 seconds to visit the punkbuster website, check the Wolf ET page http://www.punkbuster.com/index.php?page=support-et.php & clearly see that updates are always being added. 2 have been made since the start of this month.......

QuoteWednesday 09.10.2008 [8:30PM]

Version 2.111 of the PB Client for ET has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This is a maintenance release.

Wednesday 09.03.2008 [2:15PM]

Version 2.094 of the PB Client for ET has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This is a maintenance release.

After todays events I thinks it's safe to say that PunkBuster is atleast attempting to update for ET.

PBBans & other respectable AC originations update their checks frequently, the last one being Sept 3, 2008.

PunkBuster Lag: Has it ever occured to any of you that GV has over 1000 md5 checks in it's config which is over 10 times what PBBans currently uses? PunkBuster alone does not cause lag, bad settings do.

Blind leading the blind: http://www.punkbuster.com/index.php?page=links.php please find me Games Violations on that page? Does it ever cross any of your minds why that is? GV is not even worthy of being considered a 2nd rate AntiCheat organization. Created & run by a former (as far as we know former) cheat coder & other proven deceptive people. A former cheat coder who has been quoted as saying...

Quote I am no longer member of the anti-cheat community and now support the cheat community. I put a hidden setting in the script package that got downloaded +400 times here on clanbase and all my submits are false.

This is who you're streaming to. This is who you are trusting the legitimacy of your games to. Are you serious? Who fell out of the Dumbo the Elephant ride at Disney Land, bumped their head & thought this was a good idea? Brainstorm! I know lets abandon the top proven AC organizations cause they wont allow us access to everything & force everyone to stream to some obscure AC service ran by less than desirable people. An AC service incapable of writing it's own checks that has steal them from reputable AC sites as outlined in this thread http://game-violations.ggl.com/thread.php?threadid=19927&sid=757b3af0aeafc0bcac6d0639d57d67b8

In essence what your getting is PBBans & PsB streaming methods & checks 2nd hand that have been filtered by an ex cheat coder & 2 other people that were at one time banned for security breaches & leaking sensitive info. Real smart.

Immature Inept Admins: Yes I'm saying it, I'm done playing nice after the constant bashing of PB. One of the best & spot on articles I've ever read here at crossfire was this one by Xo http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=column&mode=item&id=375

Here's an anticheat admin who openly badmouths the method (punkbuster) he currently uses to catch the cheaters he so ridiculously celebrates after catching & seemingly fully supports a project that's no secret to anyone here, also has an ex cheat coders fingerprints all over. For crying out loud how many ex cheat coders can you jump in bed with?

Let's put this into perspective.......

Kill3rboy widely known & thought to be one of the best AC admins around for his number of busts. All of which were caught by punkbuster related detections & all of which are listed on either PBBans or Punksbusted banlists. Yet he would lead you to believe that A) Punkbuster is garbage & B) Game Violations is better a better AC organization than the 2 he gets 99% of his bans from. Rather him & others would have you beleive we need to abandon these proven methods & PB all together & seek the help of ex cheatcoders. Does this not make any sense to anyone else other than me?

Furthermore he needs a lesson in professionalism. AC is not, never has been & never will be about putting another notch in your belt. Any respectable AC admin will tell you that. Quite honestly I am sickened by every ban I make. I hate it but do it none the less because I hate honest players being deceived & cheated against even more but I do it without fanfare. Posting this shit everywhere you can & jumping for joy every time you can only draws more attention to the plethora of cheaters which in turn adds to the suspicion. I've always said & I stand by it, the amount of suspicion & accusations of cheats in ET is just as much a disease as the actual cheats themselves. Every time a player is bested by another the accusations fly & the game dies a little more.

Stop drawing attention to yourself & every single ban you find. It's ridiculous & is only done for self glorification. When you celebrate every ban like that it has to call into question the integrity of those bans. Are they legit or since he gets so excited is just another notch in the belt. 17 year old flametards with what's seemingly a personality disorder should never be made admins. Nothing worse than a kid who has no understanding of the word integrity & what it means to be professional in a position of authority.

Moving on.....

Recently a person I've come to know & respect around here posted a column outlining a number reasons we all have to be positive about the state of ET at the present time. While some embraced its intent & agreed with most of what it said, most flamed it & attempted to debunk any positive claims it made. Slowly it's being pushed to the back where it will be forgotten & replaced by these "ET is dying & here's why" postings. Truly a shame.

In essence what kills ET is not the cheaters. It's not PunkBuster & it's not the lack of support. Nor is it the level of competition or lack of variation in maps played. It's not cash & prizes being offered in cups & tournaments & it's certainly not new players. Rather it's the continuation of postings of misguided information from the misinformed, the naive & those motivated by personal gain. It's the blind obedience of following those we think we can trust wherever they will go & not questioning anything.

ET lives on in those who can see through the lies & deceit.