Welcome to the CMA’s! A veritable who’s who of gaming glamaratzi glide their way up the red carpet eager with anticipation as the final votes are tallied. It’s been another exciting year in the world of frag movies, we’ve had sky breakers, bird keepers and speed limiters. Winghaven dusted off the panzefaust, seec took us to the extreme and violence was in the air. Just who is this years winner of the first inaugural Crossfire Movie Award?

The Criteria
  • All voting has been done by you, the Crossfire user.
  • Movies must be posted in 2008 prior to 22nd December 2008.
  • Movies must have a minimum of 50 votes.
  • All ratings cast have been counted

Without further ado....


Winghaven OOTW3, Renaissance - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=544

This delightful duo combine again to offer up another, and final in their long running series. The movie features frags from the then Northern Darkness reaching second place at CDC, along with frags against the best European teams in ET. “Ownage” frags and “awesome” editing see’s Winghaven and Nonix get the ball rolling in at fifteenth.
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Vittuux uhoote - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=659

In at fourteen, the strangest name in our ranking with editor skd working his magic in an original interpretation of the traditional frag movie format. The Finnish community had fun, and we did too. The comedic offerings of Vittuux uhoote.
Mister the Movie - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=660

Next up MTM and his “beautiful” creation Mister the Movie. Showing that ET is as much a team game as it is a one man frag fest. Fish were harmed in the creation of this movie!
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Vanhaomena The Movie 2- Reloaded Trailer - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=623

Erm... Yeah! This little trailer is a parody of the standard ET movie, and introduces some rather unorthodox defence strategies. Prapre to be bemused...

Mamut.si - Extinction - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=753

Eleven sees Ultraviolet and their first, and our only ET:QW offering with reload racking up the frags for team mamut. Though skimping on the editing, the sound frags and UV finesse earns mamut.si a deserved spot in our rankings, and the award for the best ET:QW movie 2008.
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STMovie 3 - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=541

Entering at tenth, and starting our final countdown is the beast from the east, the oligarth of the orient, Steve and STMovie 3. He gained notoriety in FragArea 3, and earns legendary status with STMovie 3. “Sick aim” creates a frag heavy and intense spectacle.
Speed Limit - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=549

Harshly received by the critics, but you guys loved it, hardyrah & friends bunny hop into ninth. A mixture of new and old, practical to the spectacular makes Speed Limit one to watch.
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Anin & Tornis – The Movie - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=703

In at eight, and receiving the longest review of any movie (thanks hattfatt) fredd presents the spectacular frags of animal & tornis. An engaging intro, strong cam work and the high intensity makes this a movie worth watching.
Skybreakers - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=707

Not content with breaking the speed limit, HardyRah turned to the skies. He’s in again at seven with some new friends (MakkiS & reaper) once again defying the laws of gravity, (and some would say ingame physics!). controversy aside, a solid movie enjoyed by all.
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Atrium - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=751

In at six, and the first to break the Overall 8 barrier is the French pairing of editor Ph4LoiD and fragger krypton. Focussing mainly on the editing, and borrowing from mAx Chapter 3 the praise was high from fellow movie editors and fans alike. If you love sexy editing and don’t need a top name to enjoy a movie, this ones for you.
Extreme Temperature movie - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=512

Ten down, and the heatings up. Seec’s in at fifth with all the fours, and a “positively surprising” clan movie. Sick cams and smooth synching earns Extreme Temperature the title of best overall ET movie of 2008.
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Godverdomme Panzerfaust - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=510

Sitting pretty at fourth and the penultimate Wolfenstein movie in our countdown, over a year in the making and at almost 25 minutes long, including frags from the great RTCW players such as reznap and merlinator, this isn’t just any old frag movie, this is a RTCW frag movie. Sit back, relax and enjoy.
Pulp Fixion - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=684

In at three lasting a whopping 22 minutes 47 seconds Nizou brings us Pulp Fixion starring Finlands finest. A clean look, great frags and sexy camming earns Nizou the number one Return to Castle Wolfenstein movie award of 2008. Nizou had these brief words “Well, I'm glad people (at least some) liked it. Was pretty satisfied with it myself, even if it's not perfect. And Merry Christmas to everyone!”.
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TRIXO-DFWC2008 - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=771

Speeding in at two, just shy of the top spot is TRIXO with highlights from the Quake 3 Defrag World Cup 2008. Prepared to be amazed by the silky skills and smooth transitions only Quake can provide.

sYnced 2 - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=726

And finally, taking the top spot and voted the greatest Crossfire movie 2008, without further ado, sYcned 2. Editor aL will be adding another accolade to his already heaving trophy cabinet. The Wolfenstein world has no great love of Counterstrike, but such is the strength of this movie, that it’s won all the plaudits and was voted the greatest overall movie of 2008, by you, the Crossfire users.
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Congratulations to the winners, commiserations to the losers, and until next time, hit record and happy hunting!

(Much love to kyra for the graphics.)