We're lacking columns on Crossfire at the moment and tumble weed is really getting quite annoying so I figured I'd start a new column series based on Peter Griffin's lovely segment on TV. It may not be Crossfire related all the time but its content and if you don't like that, well don't read it!
image: gears2

You know what really grinds my gears? English people who don't speak English properly. In our lovely world of gaming its perfectly understandable that the random player on the server might not have the best grasp of English but in their native language they could insult your ignorance with ease, but when an English person cant string a simple sentence together evenly close to its desired meaning? Come on!!

This was inspired by two incidents in my life recently, one, watching the episode of family guy that had this segment in it last night and , two, this iRC conversation I had this afternoon:

—› query with (XXXXXX) ([email protected]) <- (UK ISP)

(XXXX) hi
(XXXX) are you there/
(TosspoT) sup
(XXXX) i got xfire ban
(XXXX) nick; XXXX
(XXXX) i'm after cbban
(XXXX) can you unban me in xfire
(TosspoT) we double cb ban lengths
(XXXX) can i get unban?
(TosspoT) no
(XXXX) why ;(?
(XXXX) i'm after cbban
(XXXX) my cbban ended
(TosspoT) we double cb ban lengths
(XXXX) can i get unban?
(TosspoT) no
(XXXX) why ;(?
(TosspoT) why do you have an english IP if you cant speak coherent english?
(XXXX) soz..
(XXXX) sorry!
(XXXX) i'm after cbban
(XXXX) why you can't uban me?
(XXXX) :(?
(XXXX) so my question is, must i make new accout?

I've taken a handful of lines out of there to keep it to the point, but my question is to mr XXXX, Why cant you speak English? What is wrong with the world that the people can't speak properly to one another. I'm big on first impressions and if your first impression is to demonstrate that you're retarded then how do you think I will react?

My younger niece has just discovered MSN and she and her school friends are using it, you'd think this could perhaps be a good way to increase their IT skills, but actually it teaches them foreign languages too! I couldn't tell you what the language was, but Half Term (the school holiday they are on currently) became Halv Tearm and yes became, yh. The problem is spreading people! What is acceptable in SMS' because you've a limit is not acceptable anywhere else in life! We must act now before the English language dies!

And that is what really grinds my gears.