Tonights Eurocup match between asd and sublime had all the ingredients needed for any game to be compelling viewing, however they are ingredients that in order to replicate require fundamental change in the way in which gaming communities as a whole operate.

I refer to two things in tonights match, 1 the characters and the story line and 2, the fact that you couldnt question how much both teams cared about this match. I'll deal with the second point first as its the most straight forward. Tonights match was between two teams who didnt have any players who had been there and done that, they both were looking to make a name for themselves, they both wanted to qualify for the EC and they both practiced their arses off. That is always going to deliver something to the narrative of a match regardless, but the importance of point 1 is what was truly fundamental to tonights entertainment.

That is of course Hype/Kamz vs Baggiez and the 'battle for to be the UKs #1' - now this is ofcourse completely ignoring the fact that neither player are actually the best player in the UK (that would be me of course...) - but its the fact that it had all of the binary oppositions of a great story. To bore you briefly with some basic Media Studies theory, a nice chap called Straus (I think!) listed off that stories are built around binary oppositions, and the more of them you have the stonger the storyline. So in Baggiez vs Kamz it was good (Baggiez - doesnt cheat, been to lan, relatively popular) vs evil (Kamz - cheater, most hated, server killer) - each one of their characteristics polarised them and it was simply an easy rivalry to build, that rivalry was one they of course built themselves with constant flaming, but from a storylines perspective it could have been done even without that. For many people tonight, irrelevant of the fact this wasnt a top match of skill, it was a top match of entertainment as a result of the characters.

One of the few things that the CGS (a televised gaming league in the USA) did well, was creating stories. So for example there was an Irish player who sold everything he owned to afford the ticket to go to the event to qualify as a player, and the TV producers picked up on this instantly and made a sob story video about it to endear the audience to him. They didnt go as far as to pit him against an 'evil' character, as this was still family TV and these were still kids for the most part. However wherever they could, they'd pit rich vs poor or young vs old, anything to create that opposition for the audience to tag onto and pick a side.

I've written a column before outling how its done in both poker and wrestling and how they are examples of how good TV executives have made the most boring subject matter from a spectator perspective into entertaining TV and tonight you saw it in ernest. My girlfriend listened (briefly) into tonights cast and when I talked to her afterward she asked who won, hype or baggiez and then said, "that was the good guy right?"

For ET, a 5 year old game, this is a trend that HAS to continue so that entertainment value can be derrived because as much as I love the Winghaven vs Night rivalry, you cant lie to me and tell me either of them give a damn about the game anymore (hense why they're not in EC). Rivalries like this (kamz vs baggiez), as reactions to tonights match have proven can be equally compelling to the viewer as a big match between BB and Mamut.

That or I just over enjoyed tonights match...