So, things haven't gone as expected for the Crossfire community recently. Wolfenstein is a complete and utter disaster, and there seems to be no support at all post-release. Activsion and id are no longer together, Endrant Studios is no more and Raven has made several employees redundant. I think it's fair to say - that's the end of that.

On the other hand, good things are happening for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. AntiPro is still in development by Slovakia foxdie and Germany sHiZo, and an alternative by Poland trakos are up and running and CC7 is in good shape for ET - this is all great news, but is this enough to support ET for the long-term?

I'm sure everyone reading this knows who United Kingdom Splash Damage are, and the good they have done for the Wolfenstein community. Splash Damage started out as a group of modders lead by Paul Wedgwood. They soon came to fame after their RtCW map Marketgarden which, quote - ..."became the most popular third-party map for RTCW." Shortly after, they partnered with id and Activsion to produce the wonderful Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Every player has noticed the attention to detail and the well balanced maps they have created for RtCW and ET - a few are the best the community has ever had and still played competitively. Now, what if Splash Damage were to make a return to ET? is a unique community - there is no doubt about that. The majority are willing to do anything to keep ET alive. Back in 2006, the Crossfire community contributed " their thousands..." (to roughly quote United Kingdom TosspoT) in order to send a team of all-star ET players to QuakeCon 2006.

It was a great success and really showed the power, dedication and generosity of the Crossfire community towards ET. The atmosphere is still there, so why don't we do it again?
image: q06cf

ET is pretty much perfect right now, but it's getting old and repetitive. It needs something new, something that will revive the game and point it in a new direction. New maps, anyone? Now, here's my idea. What if the community came together for a second time and teamed up with ET's very own father, United Kingdom Splash Damage, in order to create several new maps designed specifically for the competitive side of ET that could bring something unique back into the game? There are a few thousand active members on Crossfire right now - perhaps more than there were during QuakeCon 2006. If we all donated a small amount, it could lead to a fairly large amount - perhaps enough for United Kingdom Splash Damage to take a slight interest in our proposition.

Can we do it again?