First of all I'd just like to mention this isn't a "column" against how much I hate ClanBase or how it should be burnt to the ground. In fact there are a lot of things CB is doing that are reminiscent of prior tournaments hosted. They have mice up for grabs for the top 3 places in ET EC this season, a considerable amount of coverage and what seems to be a decent admin structure; however that being said, I think the admin team needs a little "work".

As I'm sure a lot of people are aware of the recent match between Estonia and Poland in NC XIII where "SwedennordaN" played map 1 of 3 as "EstoniaTARVO" aka "EstoniaHolz" thus intentionally trying to "deceive" the admins into thinking it was not him playing. However, terrible choice of a name to pick on the roster who hasn't even played ET in over a year which was probably easily spotted by CB NC's Head Admin MaltaKillerboy. Now, originally I wasn't even going to write this article because I really couldn't be bothered, however I received a few pm's from people who asked me to and after the attention it's gotten after the "incident".

Now, I'd like to flash back to Feb/09 where there were two matches scheduled to be played, one being Canada vs Hungary and USA vs Slovenia. Now I really didn't care much for rules against smurfing, I actually used to do it all the time in a lot of things, NA leagues, CB etc. and I know several other players who have done the same thing. Now, when Canada was scheduled to play against HUN we played the match with a smurf/ringer/merc "United States of AmericaThe_End" knowingly because our 6th player went to bed. Then after we won, United States of AmericaSteve asked us if I wanted to play in their match because of a lack of players. I said sure cause I'd rather play than have them forfeit. So after all was said and done Killerboy tracked the ips and matched them to myself & the_end respectively. Now, there's always euros saying "they used guidspoofers", or "they shared etkeys". However this wasn't the case. I for one deleted my etkey, but I didn't replace it with another player's etkey and The_End didn't even bother trying to hide it.

Upon Killerboy finding this information, he snickered off to his little throne of power and used his ban stick to thwart 2 bans our way. Now myself & The_End both received bans for the same amount of time. Three months for "Freelancing (fake nicked)". This is also found here Now, we both got banned for doing the same thing, however I got CanadaTeam Canada kicked out of NC because I was banned and was the captain. It only took Killerboy two weeks to ban the both of us, and we both knew it was coming after Nellie decided it would be best to stir up the pot and post something on crossfire before we were both CB banned. This is found here

Two quotes I wanted to focus on from that article. Nellie posted "These revelations leave ClanBase in a sticky position as to their next move, with a minimum red card for both teams (i.e. forfeiting matches played with mercs) seeming a certainty." Now this did happen when Canada received a forfeit loss against HUN before being booted out. Now SwedennordaN played with EE and they didn't receive a minimum red card for playing with mercs? Hmmm... okay I guess. The second thing was the quote from ClanBase at the bottom of the news post. Quote Clanbase: "Since the situation with both teams has been handled by our C&A division we are now taking the step of removing both teams from competition. After banning the 2 involved players Anim and TheEnd Canada will be removed due to the person involved being their teamleader. For team USA the request was made to remove them by Mistaken, the American team captain. While it is regrettable the fault is theirs alone. Playing for a nation that you do not belong to will be punished severely." Now can't this be applied to the situation of nordaN and Estonia? Or is it just because MaltaKillerboy has a secret hatred towards myself and the rest of the NA community.

The CB rules state:
7. Any attempt to mislead a referee or a supervisor will be handled according to ClanBase's Abuse policy.

8. Any player caught faking his nationality in order to play for another nation will be considered as misleading the Supervisors and receive a temporary ban from ClanBase.

So according to these rules, shouldn't have nordaN received a ban by now? Shouldn't this issue have been addressed? Shouldn't the match have been overturned instead of Estonia sitting in the NC Semi Finals?

Now if MaltaKillerboy can provide an explanation as to the differences between these two situations that would be great. However, he will not respond to me on irc, maybe he will after this? After contacting PolandHomer about the incident, asking if SwedennordaN would receive the same ban as me; he said "I don't know, I don't run NC".

If CB makes a policy and lays down rules to be followed and then they enforce them, they should be enforced across every match regardless of what year, what season or what league it is in played in - regardless of which player, or which match as well. My opinion is a bit biased because anyone can see the flaw in me getting banned for something for a total of 3 months meanwhile nordaN does the same thing and gets off the hook. However, that being said it comes back to reputation and upholding what your idea of fair is. Clanbase has been home to many seasons of ET competition, it's success is essentially a combination of the fact it provides free competition with a fairly organized challenge and response system and a few dedicated admins. The bottom line is though, if rules are going to be imposed one season for one league, why not another season for another league? If I smurf in one map against Estonia with team UK will I receive the same treatment as nordaN? A slap on the wrist and a chance to disconnect before I play both rounds and make the team suffer "consequences". Does this apply to bots as well? Are you allowed to smurf a cheater in for a round now as long as he doesn't play for the whole match and don't worry about receiving a ban? I think CB's lack of action in this case dictates how seriously they should be taken, which is not very seriously at all. However, I guess they are entitled to wave their ban stick whichever way they feel like it, or at least that's what it feels like.

I appreciate the work the CB admins do with providing a good competition environment for all who play in it. This appreciation stops at rule enforcement where time and time again CB seems to take the rules into their own discretion when enforcing how strongly they should be imposed. If you want to create a fair and unbiased atmosphere - ban the people who break the rules. Isn't that what they're there for in the first place?