Now before anybody reads this. This is not me being scared of playing anybody or anything like that. It's more about principles and sportsmanship..

I am of course talking about CB Eurocup XXI and certain teams and individuals.

You can see the play-off tree here -

I am talking about the members in Group D, namely Belgium FiF and Finland Epsilon. Both teams have decided that a forfeit would suit them both as they would avoid playing Belgium Overload and Estonia in the Winner bracket (Forfeit win for FiF means that FiF top the group and play Europe rockit, and Finland Epsilon finish 3rd and play Europe Sleeperz and United Kingdom colt45). Leaving Belgium bF (who finish 2nd because of this) to play Belgium Overload and then the winner of United Kingdom Impact / Germany Speedlink and Estonia

Forfeiting matches to get easier playoff matches is not something I would call good sportsmanship and I feel it is kind of unfair for teams like us, bF and Sleeperz. United Kingdom colt45 have managed to win every match in our group so far and have not even lost a single round and are certain we won't do so tonight either. But yet, we must play one of the favourites in the first round, due to this forfeiting. I wouldn't want to have finish 2nd like United Kingdom Impact either as we'd come across Estonia, the other favourites. But Estonia nOu way scraped 3rd spot in our group and have easier matches than both United Kingdom colt45 and United Kingdom Impact, who finished above them :\

I am disappointed in Finland ENSAM's and Belgium Jere's actions for taking the easy way out and avoiding playing these teams in playoffs but I am more disappointed in Malta Killerboy and for a couple of reasons..

Why is that playoff tree public before the groups are over anyway? If it wasn't, this problem wouldn't occur and every team would want to win all their matches, naturally assuming that the higher they finish, the easier the team in playoffs.

Second of all, by reading the comments in the EC private channel, he seemed to be in favour of this forfeiting. He knew exactly what was going on and why the match was being forfeited, he was even trying to find rules IN FAVOUR of this forfeit for Finland Epsilon. So, I am not happy with his biasedness here, since I thought he did very well so far.

That is my rant over anyway. We are still going to play Eurocup and continue with playoffs but we are still disappointed by the sportsmanship of Belgium FiF and Finland Epsilon and the attitude of Malta Killerboy.