England's blood lustier habitants might be pleased to learn that ClanBase's organisers have scheduled this seasons EuroCup Grand Final on another bloody Sunday. Giving the highest potential for coke to be supped and popcorn to be munched. Following last weeks donnybrook this Sunday viewers will have to contend with another bout of Dignitas vs The Last Resort.

While leaks may be playing havoc with Barack Obama's pledge of openness, they are not, it turns out, giving eVo as much of a headache. Because the word is that Maus is in form and even Ross will put up a fight worthy of taking on Dignitas this Sunday. What's more Night is still out of action for Dignitas.

And while Dignitas restricted themselves to, as usual, respectful silence about their opponents, Ross used his recent Crossfire interview to show who the real "noisy neighbour" in Enemy Territory are by loudly venting - again - about how great Xylos, Maus and sqzz are. When questioned on the greatest ET player he arrogantly boasted "it would be the whole Impact team"

Transparent as such jibes may be, they do highlight one of the two key advantages that The Last Resort retain over a multigaming clan that now has better players than them, viz, the experience of winning the EuroCup XXI Loser Bracket Final. Until Dignitas reassure themselves with a trophy they will always be prone to bouts of self-doubt or squabbling, unlike The Last Resort who even when they are playing mid-table scufflers such as any Kamz team remain convinced that they will triumph.

The second advantage, of course, is eVos approach: not only do The Last Resort remain convinced they will win, they tend to actively seek that victory, in the EuroCup at least, through the simple mechanism of piling players into the attack through composed tactics, unlike Digntias, who often entrust responsibility for attacking to just one or two players such as olBaa and reload.

The Teams

The Last Resort Italy Xylos, United Kingdom sqzz Belgium mAus Netherlands M1lk United Kingdom R0SS
Dignitas Estonia Anderson Germany drago Finland Squall Finland olBaa Netherlands Lightning

Derbies: Is Impact (TLR) vs Dignitas now considered a derby? Lion was, perhaps, as usual, premature in his exclamation of aero vs rage as being the Superclásico. Chelsea vs Leeds it is not, but expect fireworks!

Prediction time: I'm saying 4 - 2 to TLR, with the final BO3 being won by a stroke of excellence from either side. The question is; would either team be here if the Finns hadn't folded?

It's time to finally cast aside the notion that the Dignitas tag is unbeatablethis entire column was plagiarised, anyone find the original? =)