image: zcr6d7g6

At present ET is in dyer need of some variety, something fresh. Everyone has become a custom to the expected rotation of Supply and Goldrush, and every now and again adler is thrown in to "spice it up". However with such little diversity in a game that has the potential to be one of the most diverse games out there, I ask why? It's simple really, since the switch from 6o6 the same tactics has been employed on both supply and grush, making the game tedious to both play and spectate. Time and time again the community has cried for new maps, TLR recently hosted a map making competition which was unfortunately unsuccessful, due to the communities unwillingness to accept new maps. MeRlinator's efforts at reinvigorating Frostbite should not be in vein, and more cups should be organized to further test the new changes on frostbite and possibly improve it further. What makes frostbite so special is the unusual spawn times and fast paced nature of the map, due to the doc running element. I'm sure we have all witnessed an amazing moment on Frostbite, be it the cic7 final where meez got snipped down by matias, or the once in a lifetime drago panzerfaust, or even sqzz's godlike docrun.

Reactor is a remnant of the ET that touched so many of us, the fast paced team play orientated game, where ingenious tactics could turn a whole game around. However nowadays ET has become common and it's easy to predict what will occur in a game. With a few minor changes Reactor could become a competition ready map, filled with excitement and a zest of the old more diverse ET. Adding a ramp or a trickjump on the left side entrance on the first stage could possibly make it more fair:

image: P-1

However the map is arguably competition ready at present:

Quote Does it need some minor changes?

Quote Could Reactor be played in competition?

If I haven't yet convinced you of the excitement of Reactor, request this game : , as you will witness this game is played in the format of 5o5, is it not more exciting to watch than supply?

Shoutout to RazzaH for banner!

e: the constructable ramp is on battery.