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Week 3:Winner’s bracket Semi Finals!

We are already in the third match week of the Battle For Berlin! Eight teams are left in the tournament. The games won’t have a forced map like last rounds. Hopefully United Kingdom TosspoT is going to shoutcast a match, but we aren’t sure of that yet because Netherlands Mouse-Control is trying to move their match to Sunday. This means that they have to ask Europe Anexis to play on Sunday. Europe Queens versus Europe G2P is live at 22:15 CET. Below you can find the preview on the matches.

If United Kingdom TosspoT isn’t able to cast a game, United Kingdom Meez is going to back him up so be sure to tune in!

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Game #1

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Probably Sunday

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United Kingdom R0SS
Estonia Night
Finland Squall
United Kingdom sqzz
Belgium mAus
Italy XyLoS

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Netherlands Mouse-Control

Netherlands saKen
Netherlands SQuid
Netherlands Joshua
France an7ho
Slovakia filuS
Poland zMk

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Last Thursday Europe Anexis won from RussiadisQonnect with 4-0. This was expected but Russia disQonnect still managed to set a great time of 3:35 on adlernest. This fast time just wasn’t enough for them. Europe Anexis did beat the time. Their Opponent for this week had a somewhat closer fight that ended with a score of 4-2 for Netherlands Mouse-Control. Poland b2k took the first map, missile, but Netherlands mCon got back on them by winning supply and radar.

Europe Anexis are the favorites for this match, and tournament, but with some luck on Netherlands mCon’s side they shouldn’t get rolled over. Perhaps they have a chance of winning this match. Their lineup features some great aimers like Netherlands Joshua and Slovakia filuS but will they have a chance against the solid aim of Europe Anexis? We will see on Sunday!

Players to watch:
EuropeAnexis: United Kingdomsqzz and EstoniaNight are the players to watch. United KingdomSqzz has a solid aim and amazing movement, probably the best in the game! That combined with brilliant revives is definitely enjoyable to spectate. EstoniaNight is a brilliant all-rounder also definitely worth watching with some luck you will get to see some of his great game-changing moments!

NetherlandsMouse-Control: NetherlandsJoshua is the best aimer in NetherlandsmCon, last match versus Polandb2k he managed to get 17.5 K damage through the whole game. If you prefer to spectate a rifle PolandzMk might be the guy to go with, he is one of the best if not the best polish rifle.


Quote by Anexis R0SSWell we are coming to the final stages of the tournament and we facemousecontrol in the wb semi finals. A team ranked 4th best atm and have a nice mix of teamplay andaim. Judging from the pracs we have played against them though, i feel confident that we can take the game 4-0. Looking forward to it!

Quote by mCon-saKenHope we can get this match played on Sunday due to some people having other obligations on Thursday. We’ve played a couple of practice games against this team which mostly went their way, I hope we can do a better in a cup game but obviously it’s going to be hard.

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Game #2

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22.15 CET

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Europe gaming2perfection

Belgium Chry
Belgium Jere
United Kingdom griim
Germany Bl4d3
Germany kReSti
Germany sTOWNAGE

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United Kingdom razz
Finland mind
Latvia Clown
Sweden NuggaN
Poland kot
Netherlands perfo or FinlandLepari
Either United Kingdom TosspoT or United Kingdom Meez is going to cast this so make sure you sync your stream

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This is probably the most exciting game so far in the battle for Berlin. The two titansEuropeG2P and EuropeQueens are going to show us who of them is the better team. EuropeG2P are probably the favorites of this game as they were seeded 2nd while EuropeQueens was seeded 3rd, this also shows how close this probably is going to be. So far the gbooky bets are on the side of g2p.

The last game for EuropeQueens was against Czech RepublicZero Empathy (formal Czech RepublicinteRaction). They won the game with a surprisingly score, 3-1. They took missile and after that even full held on radar but their opponents didn’t give up yet and also hold EuropeQueens off for 12 minutes. Now they are facing EuropeG2P an enemy that’s a certainly a lot harder to beat and so they need a solid performance or a bit of luck on their side to win this.

EuropeG2P won against EuropeTAG and so they continued in the winner’s bracket. But last game was a bit of a strange for EuropeG2P. At the last minute one of the players came to the admin team to tell them they couldn’t make it in time. The match was scheduled to start at 22.15 but the admin team decided that they would get 5 minutes extra, which still wasn't enough so they lost their first map by forfeit but missile still was the map forced to play and so they did. After winning missile they played radar and also won this so the score became 4-2 for EuropeG2P.

Players to watch:
EuropeQueens:SwedenNuggan, once again chosen as the player to watch. This Swede is a beast, his movement is brilliant his aim is even better and with this combo he manages to get tons of headshots. If you are a bit more into spectating an object whore LatviaClown might be the player to watch for you.

Europegaming2perfection:BelgiumJere, discussable the best aggressive rifle in game at the moment. Last game against EuropeTAG he was on fire, he had the most damage in both the first and the second round of the first map. No doubt that Germany kReSti is also a great player to watch, some people call him the new GermanyButchji or ‘The German Power House’.

Quote by Queens ClownShould be a great match, we are really looking forward to it, since there are not that many top level teams left, and g2p is probably the 2nd best at the moment, behind Anexis. Map picks will be crucial in this one I think

Quote by g2p’kReStiI think this will be the most exciting game for our side, Queens is a strong enemy and we did fine in the past but now it’s time to shine for us!, this game can be 4:0 either ways but I think this will be a tight one, lets say 4:2 to us:P We will try our best and may the better team win

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