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Team : Used to play for '545.SniperClan #1Sniper team on ET
Played on BIO and NBS2 mostly.
Now ETpubbing on TeamMuppet NoDownloads ( and mixing with the boys.

Xfire : realmadrid77
SLAC ID : 9445

I'm a geography student !
Studying in ParisParis

releasing my sniper settings so that the whine will stop - I hope

m_yaw 0.022
sensitivity 7
m_pitch 0.035
cg_drawspreadscale 0
com_maxfps 71
pmove_fixed 0
bind mouse3 +sprint
bind ctrl +zoom

set Sniping "+attack; sensitivity 13; m_pitch 0.075"
set Sniping2 "-attack; sensitivity 07; m_pitch 0.035"
bind mouse1 "+vstr Sniping Sniping2"

This is under no circumstances a no recoil script : as you can see, it only highers a bit my settings when I press the mouse1, but I HAVE TO PULL DOWN MY MOUSE if I want to reduce the recoil. Copy paste this self-made "script" if you want so I hope you will take back your whine with you nerds.

Quote by Quote from BurneddiI wouldn't call such thing a sniperscript. As I see it a sniperscript is something you can bind to e.g. the z-key and then when you press Z it shoots without recoil. That's just witty use of the config system and the in-game commands, and you still have to move your aim downwards with such config.

At a lunch party Oscar Wilde declared that there was no subject upon which he could not speak at a moment's notice. One man raised his glass and said 'The Queen', to which Oscar replied 'She is not a subject.'

Oscar Wilde:
"And all men kill the thing they love,
By all let this be heard,
Some do it with the bitter look,
Some with a flattering word,
The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword!"
in The Ballad of Reading Gaol

"Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow, said the Prince"
in The Happy Prince

Shakespearean quotes:
He jests at scars that never felt a wound

All days are nights to see till I see thee,
And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me.

For as the sun is daily new and old,
So is my love still telling what is told.

O Thou invisible spirit of wine, If thou hast no name to be known by, Let us call thee devil!

Favourite movies:
Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon
Charles Laughton's Night of the hunter
Pier Paolo Pasolini's Edipe Re
Fritz Lang's M – Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder
Jean-Luc Godard's Pierrot Le Fou
Alain Resnais' L'Année dernière à Marienbad
The great Orson Welles' Macbeth
And many others...

Rita Hayworth, the most beautiful woman that ever existed:


#ET.Gather alive and kicking!


Most hated pub sniper
Self-proclaimed best 2.55 etpro sniper
Being demolished/anal raped by Finland Vanhaomena every time he happens to snipe on a public server.

Reached the third place of Regret's LMS Sniper cup #2 on ae_sniper_challenge. A disappointment.
Finished highest fragger on a random etpub on Venice with a total of 98 scoped sniper kills. Win

Laptop player for years now. No mousepad, no headset, no microphone.