6 years of Enemy Territory - 6 years of so much win, deceptions, frustrations and hope. Small community, small amount of active players but so much whine and skill together in a single game. I could talk about the historical games, frags and achievements but will go straight to my point: the most valuable pocal is friendship and our sweet gold memories.

In the end, why everyone come back? Why we still arguing about skilled and nooblet newcomers? Why we still trying to prove something when the game is resigned to 600 active players? Such a tight and close community like us should be already two steps in front but instead of that we keep trolling everyday, flaming, arguing about skill and our own ego dramas when we should be moving forward ... discussing about LANs and new events, about the support we don't have, about the projection we don't have compared to other games and most important about community meetings!

During my modest ET career I came to the conclusion that nostalgia brings back all you should know about this game. In the end you wont miss the 3, 4 or 5 man panzer or arty kill's but the people around you! Not even your 56hs or 105hs record on sd will erase the memories about the awesome guys you met in this game. Everytime I look at teamspeak I see 5monkeys from the four far corners of the world and I feel a huge pain in my chest because probably I wont be even able to drink a beer with them.

The point I'm trying to show is that everyone is trying to achieve something in this game (CF/CB/ESL) by wasting your time in pure nerd e-drama and ego novel. Guys you are just wasting the most interesting part of your electronic careers competing inside a closed community without any projection, where the skill level is around the same. Yes that's right people just need a motivational push and they will reach the top so stop being nerd you all highskilletswnbPRO.

In the past I had a stable team that made their own way from the 7th to the Premier. Nowadays I have a team that made from the 5th Division to the EC Level in 2months! Simply because skill is not what used to be and skill disparity doesn't exist anymore. In matter fact all the self claim skilled players are just in their own ego shelters avoiding the fact that a lot of new/med+ players are at the gates of what we call high skill in ET. Well boys wake up, the only reason why people don't evolve is because the high/med+ lick ass community is still trying to avoid every newcomer with argument "never heard about you", "must know you", "your previous teams". You should all take a break and think about the rejections you have been subject without any reason just because nobody never heard of you and you should be ashamed everytime you reject someone at mirc or CF simply because they don't have the same glorious gold history that you have. Besides that is quite ridiculous that nowadays all this self claim highskill still treat everyone like they were in the past: bullied like hell by all the oldschool players!

All I want to say is that you "Highskill" players are the ones that have to carry this community, you are the ones with more responsibilities, only you guys can teach and take ET to next step! Take Arsenal Football team as an example! Start gathering low+/med new talent players and teach them the small details that cant take them to next step and evolve this passion for our lovely game! I could approach some kind of Arsenal philosophy like I have been doing in Portugal but I will let that to you guys.
Flame on and remember that we don't want to finish like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEaKX9YYHiQ&list=PLFCE02F0F611A3A17&index=37&feature=plpp_video

Sorry for my scumbag English!