Cash conducted this interview shortly after Evan came online today and gave permission for it to posted here on Crossfire!

The past day must have been one of those that you would like to forget quite fast. The evidence that is out there seems pretty solid, however what is your side of the story?

Well of course, just waking up and reading that I'm front page news on was lot to take in, and going through my pm box and reading the random flames from people was quite upsetting.

The evidence up until now has been pretty substantial against players like vanquish, h3 etc., where Fusen actually went into the server etc. But [the] evidence I've been branded with is what? - a partially right IP and a matching email saying I am a customer of Mombatu.

I am not going to beat around the bush -- I did pay for a hack, a CoD2 hack (wallhack + name esp). I don't play the game competitively, and play maybe a couple of hours a week with some real life mates, and occasionally with some ET players like hentai and waki.

I don't condone hacking (even just for fun on publics); the amount of money people have been throwing around on crossfire ($200 etc.) is just stupid. The amount I paid barely went into double figures, and it's a price I was willing to pay to make CoD2 slightly more enjoyable for me.

I would also like to point out that after some fun, the hack was sent into PunkBuster. I was given a free update since the hack was caught within a month of purchasing, and I also sent in the update as well.

The work done by fusen has been great, and I don't plan to undermine anything he has done by saying he hasn't busted me, he has, but just for the wrong game. ET is my favourite game I've ever played and I dont want to spoil it by hacking, no matter what a lot of you think, I have not and would never use a hack :<

I know my name is most likely going to be tarnished because of this, but it's something I'm willing to accept in light of all the effort Fusen has gone through and all the cheaters he has uncovered.

I still think the one and only way to ban someone is by in-game footage/demos and hope ClanBase would look into this in the future.

So why on Earth did you actually want to buy that cheat?

CoD2 is like ten times as lame as ET, and when I pub it's like someone will camp in a corner with a shotgun for 5 minutes and not move, just to get cheap kills. I don't mind being out-aimed, but being lamed like that, I quit the game after five minutes and I don't really want to do that especially since the real-life friends I play with I don't see very often because of uni etc :<

Was it actually worth the money you spend on it; to have a nicer, more relaxing game of CoD2? In fact, is using a cheat at all worth it if you look back on it, knowing you have been unveiled?

Well to be honest, if it were for ET it would be a different story, but since I don't play CoD2 competitively, I am not amazing at the game, and don't really enjoy being raped on pubs, so to me, playing with friends so it's fun for me is worth the small price I paid. And since I'm not known in the CoD community, I don't mind one bit about my name.

But now now your reputation is still blemished, despite the fact that you haven't cheated in ET. So in the end, has it been all worth it?

In all fairness, TosspoT summed it up pretty well like [one or two] nights ago when he said something along the lines of: "evan knows how it is, you make a mistake as a admin and you get flamed there on in." I don't think I've ever had a reputation to be honest. No matter how good I ever get at ET, I will still be known as evannoobadmin to some. All I can do is work as hard to improve on my faults.

Apart from what others think about buying a cheat and using it on a pub, do you feel you actually did something wrong here?

Well of course hacking is bad, no matter how you spin it, but I never made it obvious to raise suspicion and only used it on publics. I guess I'm just the best of a bad bunch.

Do you believe in second chances?

I think people can change of course, but 90% [of the time] they won't. I hope I've put my side of it across enough to convince people how different[ly] I take CoD and ET, and I just wouldn't hack in ET.

Netcoders have threatened to spread cheats for free and sue Fusen. What do you think will happen in the near future with cheaters?

I highly doubt they will be any serious repercussions for Fusen, just a lot of hot wind from netcoders. And spreading cheats for free would do more damage for them than good. I think now that such highly known characters are being busted no one is safe, but it will pass eventually.

When you bought the cheat, why did you actually use your real name and email address? Why not try to cover it up more?

Again, CoD I've no real interest in, so why hide the fact ? I am pretty sure I even used _evan the hacker as a nick for the majority of the time of playing publics. I don't think I could get more obvious than that, and if people had asked evan do you hack, I would have said "yes."

Any final words to the community?

I would say, there aren't any real valid reasons to start hacking so why bother. ET is lame and you just have to accept that, but don't judge people too harshly. No matter what happens remember these are real people at the end of the day.