You know it, the main man himself, Scotland razz, is back in the game, and straight back in with none other than eurocup competitors Europe one4one. Having been banned from clanbase for 9 months already for the use of rivatuner, razz has now officially been unbanned, and is playing actively already. Well known for his time with teams such as Europe hx, United Kingdom uQ and his big support to United Kingdom Team UK, here he is, back in action!

United Kingdom hentai: So Razz, firstly, i'd like to say i'm happy to see that you're unbanned. How does it feel to be back in the game?

Scotland rAZz: It feels fantastic to be back, although personally I felt the duration of the ban, compared to "cheaters", was a little too long. I hope that I will be enjoying playing now, as much as I did previous to my ban.

United Kingdom hentai: I would assume that you've already been playing quite a bit since you've been unbanned. Are you irritated in particular by a loss of skill, or are you already back to your old skill level?

Scotland rAZz: Well ive been inative for 9 months now lol. My skill has dropped quite alot, but im getting better day by day again. Ive noticed i find it alot harder to play in 6on6 now because the past 9 months all i played was 3on3 :D. But now i joined 141 my 6on6 skill should get better fast.

United Kingdom hentai: So what have you been up to over the past 9 months, despite the occasional 3v3?

Scotland rAZz: have been outside everyday it has been nice, i picked up a few habbits like smoking, witch i regret alot. But when i was outside i learned there is just more things to life than sleep/eat/et :D.

United Kingdom hentai: Why 141 of all teams may i ask?

Scotland rAZz: Well they needed a good field-op for the 6on6 LAN at cpc2, and me being very good freinds with there leader Sheep and player Vegi they asked me on msn. I would rather play with 141 than other teams because i have known these 2 guys for ages and they are very close to me. Another reason i joined 141 is because the team isnt all about ramboing they are laid back and defensive which is a change for me and what makes us good is the comms and crossfire.

United Kingdom hentai: So let's get to what people want to know about shall we. Rivatuner. Regret? Discuss.

Scotland rAZz: Haha. We'll i used Rivatuner in a practise 3on3 war and i thought it was allowd because cas told me he used it in NC. I regret using Rivatuner alot because ET was basically my life and i missed it so much. So i will never use Rivatuner again.

United Kingdom hentai: Do you not feel pissed with clanbase, after banning cheaters like Allu for example, for a year, after using a multi hack in nationscup, whilst you only used rivatuner in a practice 3v3? Surely you feel you were being discriminated in some sense, or am i wrong?

Scotland rAZz: I am disillusioned over the fact cheaters, in respect to aimbot and wallhack, have got and are getting shorter ban times than I recieved for using a tweak.

United Kingdom hentai: Do you feel that people will judge you based on your previous ban, or do you feel that you will be welcomed back with hugs and kisses?

Scotland rAZz: I'm not really the most "liked" player in ET so some players will flame me i guess.. but since ive played no one has been flaming me. I just hope people understand that people make mistakes and that i have learned my lesson.

United Kingdom hentai: So why is that certain people are ready to flame you?

Scotland rAZz: I'm not going to name any names but somepeople don't like me and i don't like some people.

United Kingdom hentai: I can appreciate that, as everybody hates somebody sometime! So what are your plans now with enemy territory, especially with rumours of an upcoming EC/OC/NC?

Scotland rAZz: Well after cpc2 i am going to stay active with 141 and play EC, and of course play NC with UK! =)

United Kingdom hentai: So you also have plans for LAN? What encouraged this may i ask?

Scotland rAZz: What made me want to go is im going with all my freinds from 141 and have a good time with them. Another thing which made me want to go is because a lot of people call me a cheater and "online-only" so i want to go and prove that i don't cheat :]

United Kingdom hentai: Speaking of cheats, other than rivatuner, have you ever 'dabbled' in the scene of cheats, or is rivatuner your most extreme?

Scotland rAZz: I have only ever used rivatuner lol. I wouldn't like to try wallhack or aimbot because simply i think people that use it just spoil the game.

United Kingdom hentai: Glad to hear. Moving on to a different topic, you seem to have had a pretty poor reputation before your ban, due to problems finding a suitable clan, with some even referring to you as a 'clan killer'. What exactly was the problem?

Scotland rAZz: My main problem was that i was really active and wanted a clan to play everyday about 5 wars. When i was leader of 141 people wouldn't show up and it annoyed me so much i left for hx. When i joined hx i played the EC with them, then left because they went inactive for a wile. When they got active again i joined and played EC with them again.

United Kingdom hentai: There were rumours of your supposed comeback with illusion, alongside Tsu, pumu etc. What was the situation which caused it go wrong?

Scotland rAZz: Yes, we were going to bring back illusion, but they guys didnt want to play anymore because CB didnt unban me in january like they said they would.

United Kingdom hentai: So CB were to blame for the break up of illusion?

Scotland rAZz: It wasnt just CB, i wasnt as active than i was and am now, and some guys had probs with inativity aswell. Another thing that hit us was that we built a 5on5 team which was going we'll then CB announced that they were going back to 6on6! xD

United Kingdom hentai: Do you at all regret leaving 141/hx, especially looking at how succesful both teams were?

Scotland rAZz: I regret leaving both teams yes, especially 141 because i think we could of won EC if i stayed there and if overboost stayed. When we were on form we were just unstoppable.

United Kingdom hentai: Okay, thanks a lot! So as we come to an end, i'd like to ask a few quick questions.

United Kingdom hentai: Firstly, what has been the best thing in your life other than ET
Scotland rAZz: When my little cousin was born and when i got my first joint! :D
United Kingdom hentai: The best thing in your ET 'career'?
Scotland rAZz: Winning the Summercup 2005 with uQ we had such a laugh on comms.
United Kingdom hentai: Your best frag in ET?
Scotland rAZz: I have a few... the 6 man frag v idle when i killed all 6 on supply and the 8 man against A+R when i played in uQ on the upper stage on supply, the one in the 141 trailer :)
United Kingdom hentai: Your favourite console, and console game?
Scotland rAZz: Nintendo 64 - Goldeneye ftw!
United Kingdom hentai: So finally, your very favourite porno site?
Scotland rAZz: ! (18+ only!)

United Kingdom hentai: Thanks a lot for the interview razz, i look forward to seeing you play again and i'm sure the community does too. Any shoutouts?
Scotland rAZz: Shoutouts to every player ive played in a clan with :).