Most interviews are about important highskilled players. But most of ET isn't based on those players. I decided to take a few steps down and interview a lowerclass player (and because he is a big attentionwhore). Without further ado, I present you, Vindicator.

BelgiumKiss: Hi Vindicator, can you introduce yourself to the community?

Belgium Vindicator: Hi, I'm Matthias "Vindicator" Delbar, 15 years old and I live in Belgium.

BelgiumKiss: How did you start gaming?

Belgium Vindicator: Well, first I had a real sucky PC, so I mostly played sucky games (and MMORPG's, we've all been there). But in the end I started playing ET with some guys from school, I bought a good PC and that's how I got into gaming.

BelgiumKiss: Do you have any previous clans?

Belgium Vindicator: First I was in exil, a clan with some friends from school. Exil folded so after some time I went to Crudelia, another school friends clan, this time with some other guys. But that one folded too, and I decided to join KKC, my current clan.

BelgiumKiss: It seems like you are a clankiller, is that correct?

Belgium Vindicator: Lol =) I might be, but it's mostly because those friend only clans are full of whine. I don't think KKC has anything to fear from me ;-)

BelgiumKiss: Do you still enjoy the game and the players, and do you have a kind of vision for the future of ET?

Belgium Vindicator: Umm. Tough one. The game definitely has a future in my opinion, ET has some incredible skill and can pack some punch, but as long as it's not recognised by LANs and organizations, I'm afraid it'll always be left behind. Also, I don't know whether the coming of ET:QW and RtCW2 will change anything.

Some short questions ...

Belgium Kiss: Belgian or Dutch girls?
Belgium Vindicator: Depends on the looks.

Belgium Kiss: Ex-cheater?
Belgium Vindicator: Yes (Bust me :D).

Belgium Kiss: What kind of hack?
Belgium Vindicator: Nexus, why care? we're talking EX-cheater here

Belgium Kiss: The best meal in the world?
Belgium Vindicator: Lasagna xD

Belgium Kiss: Your favourite shoutcaster?
Belgium Vindicator: TosspoT <3

Belgium Kiss: Best cup?
Belgium Vindicator: Eurocup.

Belgium Kiss: I would like to thank you Vindicator for your time. Do you have any shoutouts left?

Belgium Vindicator: Yeah, a few. Nunca for teaching me how to be pro. (Kiss for being pro admin and cup organiser.) Smokey for all the whine. TosspoT, Loekino, rdl, Grader, Nickk,Rhand and all the rest I forgot. And last but not least JK.